Medical Supplies Donated from the All-China Women’s Federation

Mrs Ann Marie Davis and Her Excellency Dai Qingli, presenting a cheque to the Bahamas Crisis Centre

NASSAU, The Bahamas — Mrs. Ann Marie Davis, of the Office of the Spouse of the Prime Minister, speaking at left — brought remarks during an Official Handover of Medical Supplies primarily for the Public Hospitals Authority from the All-China Women’s Federation, at the Chinese Embassy, October 26, 2022. 

Public Hospitals Authority, Straw Inc., Bahamas Crisis Centre, and the Bahamas Children’s Emergency Hostel attended the handover. 

Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Her Excellency Dai Qingli, pictured in the photo at right, also presented a cheque to the Bahamas Crisis Centre.   (BIS Photos/Letisha Henderson)