Members of Parliament Donate 260 Laptops To ‘Mission Educate Bahamas’


Prime Minister and his Minister of Education is committed to leaving NO CHILD BEHIND!

By Betty Vedrine

Bahamas Information Services

NASSAU, The Bahamas – Ten Members of Parliament made a significant contribution to the education of Bahamian students at a press conference at Cabinet Office, Wednesday, April 22, 2015. Their contribution resulted in a total of laptop 260 computers, valued at $156,000, being donated to Mission Educate Bahamas with a view to enhancing the teaching and learning process through the use of interactive technology.

Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie who contributed $48,000 (representing 20% of the donation) said at the press conference that it was a pleasure to partner with the private sector in ensuring that the future of young Bahamians is brighter. He stated, “we must not pay lip service to the commitment that every child counts. We must find an equitable way to ensure that every child has access to our country’s resources, including the disabled.”

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, the Hon. Jerome Fitzgerald said that in order to ensure the success of Bahamian students, every effort must be made to provide them with the ‘necessary scaffolding’ in order to build a bright and secure future. “We are fortunate to have among us some concerned corporate sponsors who have already pledged or given over $193,000 through computer donations or financial contributions in this initiative to enhance the teaching and learning process through the use of interactive technology,” said Mr. Fitzgerald.

President of Wendy’s Limited/Marco’s Pizza and one of the Principals behind Mission Educate Bahamas, Chris Tsavoussis said that the computers are a ‘timely gift,’ which would allow primary schools in each constituency to be outfitted with ‘TUNEin To Reading’ equipment and hundreds of laptop computers, where previously there were none.

“Struggling readers in these schools will now find the help and support they need to close the gap, and get back on track” said Mr. Tsavoussis. “Teachers will also have a viable and revolutionary tool to reach them with.”

‘TUNEin To Reading’ is the research-proven, computer-based reading intervention that uses engaging musical activities to boost reading comprehension.

The schools that will receive the new computers include Palmdale Primary, Centreville Primary, Columbus Primary, E. P. Roberts, Gambier Primary, Claridge Primary, Sadie Curtis Primary, Garvin Tynes Primary, Thelma Gibson Primary, Hugh Campbell Primary, West End Primary, and Holmes Rock Primary. Schools in Cat Island, Rum Cay, San Salvador, Inagua, Crooked Island, Mayaguana, Acklins Island, North Andros and The Berry Islands will also receive computers from those donated.


Two hundred and sixty computers valued at $156,000 have been donated to schools across the country through ‘Mission Educate Bahamas’ by ten Members of Parliament in a press conference at Cabinet Office on April 22. Pictured at the table with a student of Columbus Primary are from right: Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie; Minister of Education, Science and Technology the Hon. Jerome Fitzgerald; President of Wendy’s Ltd./Marco’s Pizza and one of the Principals of Mission Educate Bahamas Terry Tsavoussis; and Minister of the Environment and Housing the Hon. Kenred Dorsett. The group photo shows the Prime Minister and Ministers with three students of Columbus Primary School who currently participate in the Mission Educate Bahamas TUNEin To Reading programme. (BIS Photos/Peter Ramsay)