Members of the Torch Bearers Go to Church



Members of the Torch Bearers Association joined in worshiped with the St. George’s Anglican Church this past weekend.


  1. Why At St. George??? Why not Holy Trinity???
    I shudda bin there….to direct them to Holy Trinity or Hubert camp

  2. Why At St. George??? Why not Holy Trinity???I shudda bin there….to direct them to Holy Trinity or Hubert camp

  3. Cindy all idiots worship the blood, voodoo ritual color (RED) in church instead of GOD, to appease the REPTILIAN DEITY (ingRUM) get it, are you in the photo???  If you are not, ress ya seff!  Yoll cannot trick GOD, like Bahamians are so easily tricked by the manipulation of  the DINGY RED…   So please!!!

  4. Dey gone ta chuch to pray for victory in lizzie, what ppl would do for more   …They kno their god is the REPTILIAN LEADER DEMON ingRUM, and IT do not like chuch, unless it is filled witt blood red voodoo rituals, so please yoll stop playin witt the GODS cuz yoll only foolin yaselves and definately will roast in the pit of SHEOL!

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