Dear BP,
I genuinely sympathise with Michael Pintard. Enemies surround him, and people are plotting constantly to remove him from his leadership of a crumbling FNM. But he is running out of time, thus, his steady descent into a manic state where he flails out at anything he feels threatens him. However, what I find incredible and troubling is his repeated assertions that the Bahamian economy has not rebounded from the Covid-19 pandemic after his administration’s incredibly destructive policies and gross mismanagement left the Bahamian economy on life support.
What Pintard has reportedly said about the economy flies in the face of reports by the IMF, Standard & Poors and the Central Bank of the Bahamas. A Beatles song says “living is easy with eyes closed misunderstanding all you see.” This line generally means that life is easy when you are ignorant or asleep, contrasting with the challenging nature of day-to-day life. This exactly describes Pintard’s state of mind. Now, as if his assertions, deflections and just plain dissembling were insufficient, he is demanding that the PLP administration explain what is happening in his constituency concerning his darlings the GBPA’s purported plan to divest itself of the Container Port and perhaps other Freeport-based assets.
We know that the FNM considers us Bahamians “weapons-grade” idiots, but this is too much. We also understand that the FNM plans to continually delude us and erase all the vestiges of its disastrous term in office. If I were involved in such a debacle, I would try to distance myself too. But, the evidence is all there in print and electronic media for future generations of Bahamians to see and learn what happens to a nation when its people elect a bunch of unrelentingly incompetent, arrogant and narcissistic idiots as their leaders.
No, Mr Pintard, we remember it all; the cruel lockdowns, watching the deaths of over five hundred Bahamians, not being able to properly funeralize our loved ones while the FNM financiers were given free rein to bury their pets and FNM friends and family hold lavish wedding ceremonies. We also remember that when we dared go outdoors to fetch water to bathe our sick relatives, we were arrested.
We also remember, and this is my main point, that in the last FNM administration, Freeport was represented by three FNM cabinet ministers. So, why is Pintard trying to absolve the FNM’s ministers of the consequences of their incompetent, don’t-care representation and why is this a PLP problem? That’s because his so-called friends and confidants in the GBPA have broken off a massive stick in him. Consequently, the PLP knows more about the goings on in his constituency than he does. Now, as usual, the PLP will have to spend time, money, and energy fixing or mitigating another FNM mess while Pintard continues to rail against the government and its successful economic programs.
I will say this to Pintard, his minions and those who still support the FNM. If you can’t handle it don’t touch it!
Michael J. Brown