Minister Desmond Bannister shakes up management at the Straw Market Authority!


Desmond Bannister

Nassau – The Minister charged with the responsibility for the Straw Market Authority has made the decision to terminate the services of the Acting Managing Director and Deputy Chairman.

Beverly Finley is the latest casualty, deep from inside the FNM, to feel the weight of Bahama Press following the death of Manager Basil Huyler.

Yinner would remember Basil Huyler, who was a hard worker for the vendors, died of a massive heart attack just after a rowdy meeting with management. Finley, we understand, has not returned to the Market since Huyler’s death, and, with the deplorable state of the market’s development, thank goodness she will not be returning.

The state of the Market has gone from bad to worse under the new regime, with Nursery care and the clinic services being terminated under the wutless management of Kelly Ingraham. Those advances were introduced by Huyler to assist vendors with their daycare and health needs.

The heartless decision was purely political and now, with the entire Management gone, only the Chairman needs to tender her resignation and the place will be ready to turn over a new leaf!

We report yinner decide!