Minister Gibson explains the delay of public service promotions


Minister for Labour and MP for Golden Gates - D. Shane Gibson
Minister for Labour and MP for Golden Gates – D. Shane Gibson

NASSAU, The Bahamas – The Ministry of the Public Service is working assiduously to process human resource matters to enhance lives of many Public Service Officers, and ultimately the work of the Government. Public Service Minister, the Hon. D. Shane Gibson announced in the House of Assembly, March 30, that 500 new appointments have been processed including 157 teachers, 21 nurses, 28 officers for the Office of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Legal Affairs, and 28 for the Ministry of Social Services Safety Net Program, better known as RISE.

“We have also completed promotions for over 340 persons including 98 Prison recruits and 64 persons for theOffice of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs. That includes the long overdue promotions for Court Reporters. The re-employment exercise for 116 teachers has also been completed,” said Minister Gibson.

“Of interest to many is the 2014 Service-Wide Promotion Exercise that takes effect on 1 April 2014 and comprises approximately 335 officers moving from Clerk to Senior Clerk, Registry Clerk to Senior Registry Clerk, Senior Clerk to Chief Clerk, Senior Registry Clerk to Chief Registry Clerk, and Private Secretary to Senior Private Secretary.”

Minister Gibson said that 273 files were forwarded to the Public Service Commission for necessary action and 62 remaining could not move forward due to outstanding documents such as Performance Appraisal Reports, official transcripts, and verification/certification of qualifications. He added the exercise should be completed before the end of this fiscal year.

“Missing documents, particularly Employee Performance Appraisal Forms, are the bane of the Ministry of the Public Service. I urge supervisors and managers to complete and submit these documents that are vital to the progression of every officer and the performance of the Government,” said Minister Gibson.

“The Ministry will conduct Assessments for Clerical, Registry and Secretarial staff, beginning April 4, 2016. Of the 244 nominees, only 163 have been accepted thus far mainly because of missing documents or requisite qualifications at the time of submission. Successful candidates will be eligible for promotions and re-classifications to available vacancies to Executive Officer, Executive Secretary or Assistant Registry Supervisor II.”

Minister Gibson said that in 2015, Cabinet approved the creation of a Short-term Policy Unit within the Ministry of the Public Service. He said the 13-member Unit has been meeting from July 2015, and was established to review existing policies and update the Post Qualifications Manual.

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