Minister Moxey visits with students on first day of 2024/25 academic year

SCHOOL VISITS – Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon. Ginger Moxey visited several schools for the start of the new academic year Monday, September 2, 2024 and greeted students, parents and teachers. (BIS Photos Lededra Marche)

GRAND BAHAMA, The Bahamas — As thousands of students headed back to the classroom on what was the first day of the 2024/2025 academic year, Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon. Ginger Moxey visited a number of schools to welcome and encourage the students.

Minister of Education, Technical and Vocational Training, the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin assured students during her national address on Sunday, September 1, 2024 that the Davis Administration is hard at work to provide the education that will equip them for their future endeavors.

Minister Moxey visited Jack Hayward Junior High School, Tabernacle Baptist Christian Academy, The Beacon School and Hugh Campbell Primary.

For some, it was the first day in a classroom setting, while others were returning for a new year and Minister Moxey wanted to inspire the students to take advantage of their educational journey.

“Education is the key to success and we want them to know that the sky’s the limit, do well in school, do your homework, do your class assignments and do well on your tests,” she said.

Minister Moxey greeted kindergarteners, primary, high schoolers, parents and teachers with hi-fives, hugs, well wishes and stopped into the classrooms to give a pep talk to kick off the new year.

“I always want to be here to just welcome them, to encourage them and to let them know that they have my support and to tell them to focus, listen to their teachers and they’re going to do really well,” Minister Moxey said.

Minister Moxey noted that the first day of school is one of her favorite times of the year and she is always elated when she can visit to help lift the spirits of the students, teachers and parents as they get settled in.