Minister now at war with the local Pastor gets kicked out of the marital home by the wife! WELL, WHAT IS THIS?!

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NASSAU| War, or as some are describing it, a REVOLUTION is set to hit a local church in the Bahamas following the fall out between a pastor and a local minister who is now accusing the pastor of having an extramarital affair with his wife. 

The Minister, some would note, was the lead instigator in breaking up an established church in the Bahamas some months back, and organizing the fellowship into a new church, taking more than one third of the saints just like satan and his fallen angels did in heaven. YES, WAR IS ABOUT TO BREAK OUT IN A LOCAL church in the Bahamas!

Now, while the Minister is accusing the Pastor of having an affair his wife, BP is learning the wife has thrown the Minister out of the marital home and onto the streets. 

She, we understand, works in the armed forces and is sick and tired parading around with her minister husband while the bills pile high to the skies. 

Now this shocking development is serious because the Minister left a handsome salary at his former church to start a “mission impossible” work with the new Pastor. And now for this saga to be taking place the events are being characterized as ‘an act of betrayal’. Well betrayal is the Pastor;s middle name! Yinner forget what he did to the former church eh? Anyways we digress!

The Minister has been absent from the church’s live services for weeks as mounting pressure from church members demand that the pastor address the ongoing scandal and step down as leader of the flock. 

With no home, no wife, no money and no church some believe the depressed Minister could go missing like another male who went missing after being last seen by the same Pastor and nothing has since been done to discover what happened to the missing man! But that’s a story for another day!

We don’t know what will happen from here on but yinner knows BP will be in the stalls of the church lifting that holy tambourine high in the air and shouting to the top of our voice… “WHAT IS DA HELL IS DIS?!

We report yinner decide!