Minister of Education, Science and Technology Visits Seahorse Institute

Minister Fitzgerald took a tour of the Seahorse Institute. He is pictured above with Dr. Michelle Major and students, Uthan Cornish and Kathryn Turnquest.

Nassau, Bahamas – The Honourable Jerome Fitzgerald, Minister of Education, Science and Technology recently visited the Seahorse Institute at the new location on Soldier Road. The Institute’s former facility on Shirley Street was destroyed by fire over a year ago. Dr. Michelle Major, the Clinical Director, took the Minister on a tour of the Institute. While there, Minister Fitzgerald read the story, ‘Buzz, Buzz Busy Bees’ to the students.

The Seahorse Institute provides education and therapeutic support to children with special needs such as Autism and Down Syndrome. When asked about the reason for the name choice of the institute, Dr. Major shared an interesting fact. She explained that in nature, females usually give birth; however, male seahorses give birth. “There’s never a never. Things are not always the way that they are supposed to be. Our work with the children at Seahorse is evidence of this”, she said.

The Honourable Jerome Fitzgerald, Minister of Education, Science and Technology visited the Seahorse Institute and read a story to the students.