BP urges a speedy recovery for the Bains and Grants Town MP – and calls on all Bahamians who knows the VIRTUE OF PRAYER – in their Christian Charity – to Pray for the MP

Nassau, Bahamas — There is Breaking News from the Cabinet Office tonight, which confirms Minister of National Security, Dr. Bernard. J. Nottage, is at this hour having an urgent medical evaluation done.
Today the Minister for National Security traveled to the US shortly after Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Perry Christie delivered his 2013/14 Budget Communication to the House.
In a statement issued late tonight The Government confirmed:
“The public is advised that Dr. Bernard J. Nottage, Minister of National Security and Leader of Government Business in the House of Assembly, flew to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on Wednesday 29th May for a medical evaluation at the Cleveland Clinic; he is accompanied by his wife Portia and his police aide.
“Dr. Nottage will be absent on leave until those evaluations are completed. In the meantime, the Prime Minister will assume the responsibilities of the portfolio National Security.”
No word has come from the Government on the condition of the Minister nor when will those evaluations conclude.