Nassau, Bahamas — A public officer take leave, Cabinet instructions issued and a police investigation will soon open following allegations of theft by an official in the ministry of youth.
BP sources in the OPM have confirmed Cabinet Secretary, Anita Bernard, has advised the ministry of youth officials to turn over all documents and open an investigation with police against a public officer in the government ministry, who is alleged to have collected over $20,000 from parents before a botch trip to Florida.
Bahamas Press reported late last month how a trip was organized by the public officer to transport and housed some 40 youths to visit the “Battle of the Bands” event at Bethune-Cookman recently. We were informed that while parents paid funds to the MOY official, many of the participants we left stranded at the airport and others were left without food and proper accommodations. It is further alleged that this official, known as the “Packer”, packed up to 14 kids in one room.
Bahamas Press was alerted by one of the disgruntled parents, which argued that she paid the official the full amount for her son to travel on the tour, but was later telephoned by him as he along with others were left to walk to the airport.
Another parent told BP the trip failed to supply the agreed boarding, transportation and food arrangements she had paid for her child.
Bahamas Press can confirm the carrier contracted for the trip, Bahamasair, was never paid in full and therefore; some of the youth were left stranded at the airport.

BP has learnt the public officer is now on administrative leave after failing to fully account on expenditure with the failed trip. We are told the officer has packed his belongings after being caught with his hands in the proverbial “COOKIE JAR”!
General Orders would require an automatic termination from the Public Service had the officer taken money from the public purse. However, we are advised the officer is still not out of the woods yet, even though he has arranged repayment to the families affected via a bank loan.
BP is advised instructions have been forwarded to both the PS and the Minister by the Cabinet to hand the matter over to the police for further investigations on the officer’s “SMUDGY” behaviour. No word has come from the ministry on the matter, and once again the ‘DUTTY’ WUTLESS media in the Bahamas are sitting on their duffs while innocent young people are being robbed and bamboozled right, left and centre in this country; even by a ministry of youth official! They have no DAMN SHAME!
The media in the Bahamas is WUTLESS and continues to fail in protecting the innocent and weak in this country!
Once again BP do not take well to “Thieves and Rogues”.
A senior officer in the youth department was sent home on leave, along with two other officers from JA
BP needs to do a FULL INVESTIGATION of the youth department, this is just the tip if the iceberg. From the SISSIES who run JA (Junior Achievement) to the absence of youth officers, to the FAVORTISM in the awarding of the $5,000 self-starters grant, and the $30,000 annually awarded to a committee who has not turned in a report in the last 3 years!
Please civil servant send all the intel so we can fact check and post. We are thinking of delivering this as one of two specials for tomorrow. Send info to http://www.bahamaspress.com.
Anonymity is assured.
Bahamas Press/Editor
If your source is correct, you should call his name because innocent youth officers may be looked upon as being guilty.
When yinner in Youth deal with the matter then will the matter of who it is be cleared. I am sick and tired of these CROOKED UNTOUCHABLES in government being given a pass.
While you all are fighting, what BP is saying is the truth, and they know so much details, until its freightening. And this means that there is a serious breach of confidentiality in the Public Service. BUT, ALL IS TRUE, except the fact that he is still in office
Now when you decide to write standard English [Tired a BP Crap] then we will accept the material. And if you persist with your poor standard, we will DELETE YOU COMPLETELY!
BP you need a like button for posts.
Why don’t you stop reading BP? [And you know we want say that differently].
wat u dont yet u openly support tha PLP i say no more
Stop coming on the site of someone who is so bias then. Should someone be happy of the FNM right now???
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