Mitchell: Ingraham offers no solutions to Grand Bahama

Hon. Fred Mitchell

Statement by Fred Mitchell MP Fox Hill
On the PM’s Comments Freeport
For Immediate Release
16 January 2012

It is clear that the PLP has rattled Mr. Ingraham’s cage given his response in Freeport. Here he goes again with the same old tired script about leadership and trust. It is worn out. We in the PLP have full confidence in Perry Christie to lead a team of distinguished men and women from all walks of life, all generations,socio-economic groups and races in the next general election.

The PLP is not a biggetty one man band that specializes in ad hominem insults, catchy phrases and bad poetry.

When will the Prime Minister get the message. Instead of offering solutions to the deep problems into which he and his maladministration have plunged this country, he is determined to pay fast and loose with the truth.

The PLP is focused on restoring good government to The Bahamas not engaging in silliness with Mr Ingraham. The handwriting is on the wall for him. It is best for Mr Ingraham to pray that the Lord will have mercy on him and those FNMs who helped to create this national chaos wrought by the FNM. We will not be drawn into this false contest on leadership when the issues are crime and unemployment.

We want to get the people working again. Mr. Ingraham needs to learn how to conduct himself as Prime Minister and stop showboating with insulting misinformation for a deluded FNM audience.
