Money goes missing inside BTVI Deposit Bag and the VP for FINANCE is not around to account! PART – II

Andrew Gape must answer serious questions of theft inside BTVI! Why is everyone quiet?

NASSAU| Last week Bahamas Press opened an investigation of our own into the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute [BTVI] where we laid some questions to the Minister for Education. So far, one long week has passed and we have heard not a whisper from the Minister on the matter.

Last week we asked the question: Who is Andrew Gape, the man Jeffery Lloyd hired to oversee the Finances at BTVI?

And we want to know why is Mr. Gape not actively watching the shop at the Institute? Now we at BP say this because we are well aware that some serious financial breaches have occurred at BTVI and we want to know where is the person[s] appointed to watch the shop?

Last week we revealed how an audit within the Institute had commenced by KPMG. To this day that report has yet to be released or signed with its conclusions after thousands were spent to have that report done. Some $200,000 in tax dollars to be exact. But, while they hide and use the audit as cover for spending money, that same firm we know has been engaged at BTVI and engaged to perform “Consulting Services”. But no one knows what kind as only bills keep racking up. Perhaps Mr Gape can explain. But we have more in this report.

Minister of Education Hon. Jeffery Lloyd.

A former Royal Bank employee hired at BTVI has worked her way into the Finance despite her “questionable” and “DANGEROUS” departure from RBC. The fact is RBC fired this employee for thiefin’!

BP is prepared to put the Minnis Government on HIGH ALERT that there is systemic stealing going on inside the Finance Department of BTVI. And it is happening at many levels. Here is an example of what we are prepared to confirm.

The chief thief brought in recently fired from RBC has been helping her way into funds at BTVI. Funds raised at the recent RBC Race For The Kids’ event mysteriously did not make it to the bank.

The only individual to receive the bag was the same axed RBC employee who is now in BTVI.

CCTV camera footage recorded the actions of the BTVI employee, who then reappeared minutes later, just in time to be seen, rolling the bag and handing it to a cashier supervisor to be further handed to armored car personnel.

Those funds processed later were confirmed to be only coins and, as anyone knows, RBC knows their bags are opened in joint custody.

BP can reveal this deposit was dated November 28th, 2019. However, the missing money was only discovered a few days ago. What a crime. Where is the head of Finance of BTVI [GAPE] in this?

Sources inside the Finance Department confirmed that no bank reconciliations are done! And, at the moment, everyone is pretending to be shocked!

We ga add this – If it takes three months for money to show up missing at BTVI imagine the other damage done during that same period. Looks like the former fired banker knows how to raid the kitty.

But we ga ask the question again: Where is Andrew Gape, the man placed in charge of BTVI Finance by Minister Jeffery Lloyd?


We report yinner decide!