More accidents on Grand Bahama reported…

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PEOPLE ARE BEING STRUCK BY VEHICLES IN GRAND BAHAMA MORE FREQUENTLY >>> Police in Grand Bahama are investigating (2) traffic accidents involving pedestrians. The first incident occurred on Monday 13th January 2014 around 4:30pm, police were called to a traffic accident that occurred on West Atlantic Drive involving a green 1998 Chevy Blazer driven by a female driver of Pinedale, Eight Mile Rock, who struck two male school students ages twelve and thirteen as they were crossing a pedestrian crossing on West Atlantic Drive.

Both students were seen by doctor at the Rand Memorial Hospital, one student was discharged and the other student was admitted and is reported to be in stable condition.

The second incident occurred on Monday 13th January 2014 around 7:30pm. Police were called to a traffic accident at the intersection of Pioneers Way and East Atlantic Drive that involved a silver 2002 Dodge Caravan that struck a pedestrian attempting to cross the street. The vehicle was driven by a female driver who was travelling west along Pioneers Way in the left south bound lane, when she struck a male pedestrian attempting to cross the street. The pedestrian was transported to the Rand Memorial Hospital where he is listed in stable condition. The identity of the pedestrian is not known at this time.

Police are advising the motoring public to drive with extreme caution and care and to adhere to the laws of the streets particularly pedestrians crossing our streets.

$25,000 in Suspected Cocaine Found in Abaco

Police in Abaco discover dangerous drugs in bushes.

Reports are that on Monday 13th January 2014 sometime around 4:30pm, police in the Marsh Harbour area acting on information went to a bushy area on Nards Drive and discovered (1) taped package of suspected cocaine.

The drugs are estimated to value $25,000.00 Police are continuing investigations into this matter.