More foreign work permits giveaway at Cables Bahamas’ NewCo, while 600 Bahamians hit the unemployment lines! And the press is quiet!


Who in Immigration is fleecing work permits while Bahamians are being sent home?

Well here we go again!
Well here we go again!

Nassau, Bahamas – While scores of Bahamians beat the pavement and hit the unemployment lines awaiting for a chance at one of those promised 800 jobs at Cable Bahamas’ new mobile company NewCo, we at Bahamas Press have learnt work permits are being issued by the day to fill those vacancies.

Your Bahamas Press, the real Guardian of the State, has been paying close attention to the operations at the Cable Company, and daily we see persons are walking into the building taking Bahamian jobs!

Just last week NewCo announced the hire of Leyre Goitia. She, according to them, will join the “Buying Minutes” mobile company as the Products, Pricing and Devices Manager. Cable is careful to not tell Bahamians they need not apply, but they are showing us big time. We hear nothing about the people Goitia will be reporting to, after all, they too are holding newly minted work permits at the assistance of high up inside the Immigration Department? The Government is tight-lipped on this.

So let’s get this straight; while six hundred [600] workers at Sandals were being shipped out and off property in Cable Beach, Goitia DEM, are walking in the town with newly stamped work permits to take up residence in the country with a job to head to the banks? Well Mudda sick-it!

Goitia, our source confirmed, has lived in Spain all her life and has owned a phone card company since 2001. Perhaps she is the “Card Specialist” coming to help NewCo buy minutes from BTC to sell back to us! As we know the new mobile company has NO infrastructure! Perhaps this is the plan as almost daily we see URCA in the papers making demands as to how and why and how much minutes from BTC must cost NewCo. No infrastructure to service the Bahamas and its competitor is being ordered to sell minutes to its rival! UNBELIEVABLE!

Anyway, we know the new mobile company has no money. We know they can’t raise no money, and therefore, around New Providence lay towers on the ground collecting rust and bush for potcakes to spray territory matter [piss] on.

Perhaps Goitia time in the capital from Spain might not be in vain as Bahamians are having a tough time translating all these Spanish commercials on the cable networks! Perhaps rather than working for NewCo she can startup Spanish Classes to teach the few Cable viewers how to understand the commercials. In the end dat might just be a plan!

We report yinner decide!


  1. Well, ain’ dis jes der dumbes’ shit I seen all day? I know dis gal since gade school an’ we graduate togedder. If she live in Spain all her life den dey obviously move Nassau to Soain sometime in der 70s.
    Run yer brain lil bit before you run yer mout’, hear?
    Congrats again, schoolie!

  2. My best advice to ‘bahamaspress’… find legitimate resources and delete this article. You look ridiculous.

  3. Hey congrats Leyre!!! It’s awesome to see qualified Bahamians coming home to use their expertise to better our country!!

  4. So what is the success track record of NewCo? Or, could this be another one of those partnership companies between the Bahamian wealthy and political elites front and operated by their foreign crony friends, (example PowerSecure)?

  5. a little investigative research would go a long way toward cleaning the gene pool around here: how can you not have known that leyre is more bahamian than you are ;-)? vive le rainbow.

  6. This is an example of how dumb you ghetto people really are. Leyre Goitia was Bahamian before you ghetto idiots’ parents were born. I went to school with her in the Bahamas while you clowns were not even a thought in your parents’ bellies, back in the 1970s. You hear a name, see a face and make an assumption. But you are WRONG.

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