The Tribune attacking the Guardian Again…What happen to the JOA?


dscf8893Operators at the wutless Toilet Paper in this town are so full of themselves. Almost everyday, members of the ‘Toilet Paper’ suggest that they have either grown or are bucking the trends or have defied the global death of newspapers now happening around the world. Who are they trying to persuade?

Last night our ‘deep throat’ inside the Tribune sent us their bogus story once again. And no matter how they twist it, the lies are getting worse every time they publish it.

In December the ‘Toilet Paper’ fired 8 workers, why? Because sales were down! Their distributions were suspended in Abaco and Grand Bahama, why? Because they could not afford Bahamasair anymore. Things are so bad for them the sports section is now in the A-section of the paper. The Business and Features section are now all one, why? BECAUSE ADVERTISING IN THE INDIVIDUAL SECTIONS HAVE DECLINED! And since the Chancey Tynes/Pindling articles, thousands of Bahamians have accepted and have grown accustom to the saying, a leopard cannot change its spots. YES, THE PAPER IS BIAS!

Now picture this as we know the newspaper business well. How can a paper increase in circulation, where it has suspended its distribution in markets it once enjoyed [Abaco and Grand Bahama]? That suspension alone would result in a decline in the circulation and printing of that paper by at least 5,000 copies.adfor.jpg

The Tribune has also suspended its subscription with The Audit Bureau of Circulations, the company, which audits and report newspaper sales for advertisers? How can they be pontificating the wellness their business,when recently they TERMINATED workers telling them that the sour economy is crippling the company? It was so bad last year the Tribune also fired its hardworking circulation manager Kurt Munroe, because sales slid and they tried to blame it on him.

And in the midst of all this what has happened with that JOA arrangement it made with the Guardian, where Eileen Carron announced, it had to happen because the business it has become increasingly difficult to operate these day in this bad economy. She highlighted then that it would make sense for both morning dailies to buy materials together in order to cut costs. We wonder where that arrangement now stands,  seeing that the Tribune continues to report that they’re ahead of the competition, WHAT A SLAP AT THE GUARDIAN!

Yes things are just that BAD these days for the Tribune. AND NO LIE, SPIN or TRICKERY they publish this morning will assist in rescuing their tumbling dismal advertising numbers. ADVERTISERS IN THE BAHAMAS ARE NOT DUMB PEOPLE EILEEN!

Oh and did we say, that their advertising numbers have declined by 50%? That’s a global record in itself!


  1. I agree with the 2012 election being the online elections. The PLP has a slight edge there if you ask me, but only by a hair. They need to stop fighting each other and let the people who know how to do these things do their jobs without all the hating and back biting. I also think that places like BP and even the skanky BI will play a bigger role. There seems to be more PLPs here and more FNMs on BI but make no mistake, I think BP will be the number one website when the campaigns start rolling for the simple fact that BP goes out and gets the stories while BI waits for them to fall in their laps.

  2. ronica7 :I will tell them one thing fire!. The next election is going to be discussed, disseminate, dissect, dismantle and determined over the internet.Our young people are all over facebook. So the tribune with their three newspapers and five radio stations, need to start playing fair.

    You are absolutly right Ronica the internet is where it’s at. There was talk about this on Bahamas Issues about how the internet will decide the 2012 elections:

    The tribune has lost its power.

    • And Man O War do you think yourpost here will ever be seen in the dailies? NO! Nor will others, but online you and thousands of us can now express our views. The Wutless Media have silenced thousands and now we are silencing them.

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  3. I will tell them one thing fire!. The next election is going to be discussed, disseminate, dissect, dismantle and determined over the internet.
    Our young people are all over facebook. So the tribune with their three newspapers and five radio stations, need to start playing fair.

  4. We are free thinking individuals and they want to feed us anything in order to support an agenda. The media should always be fair and unbiased. It says something about us when we stand up for what we believe in. The Tribune sales have been hit hard for the past two years! Maybe when they get rid of guy smiley aka John Marquis, things will change.

  5. I believe that the tribune has lost it’s credibilty amongst fair minded persons. I also think that mainly fnm supporters for the most part buy the tribune.

    I stopped buying the tribune after it’s jacks and jokers column on the plp.(Still waiting for one on the fnm.)I started buying the tribune in 1981, even when I left the country on my overseas juants I would leave money so that i did not miss an edition.

    Sadly the tribune has, even though they are in denial, become a skeleton of what it used to be. Poor editor, the plp must have made your life a living hell since majority rule.

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