More rape incidents at the EMR school, and Bethel & Birbal GUILTY!


carl_bethel<<< Carl Bethel Minister of Education.

Click to hear ZNS report on Bethel’s Press Conference Today!

Nassau, Bahamas: Bahamas Press is getting concern, VERY CONCERN with Carl Bethel attempting to try and quiet the SEXUAL SLAUGHTER of you children now occurring at the Eight Mile Rock School on Grand Bahama. The minister held a press conference today at 12 noon attempting to unveil his ministry’s new policies with sexual crimes in public schools.

Since February 4th Bahamas Press has called for an investigation into the Criminal Matters at EMR. But the minister did nothing. He sent out Lionel Sands to suggest that THERE WAS NO CASE AT THE SCHOOL. But Bahamas Press continued with the story and then they sent out MUPPET SHOW ANCHOR CLINT WATSON, who reported then that Andre Birbal the pedophile art teacher who molested more than 20 boys over an 8 year period, had no case to answer. WHAT A DISGRACE!birbal

But today Bethel came out to deal with the troubled school where children we believe are being rapped by the day. Carl suggested that these incidents occur because children are under nourished.

We at Bahamas Press know clearly why Bethel allowed his ministry to fall into this rotten state. It was his son who decided to nourish an underage school girl at the once prestigious Queen’s College last year. His son RAPED A YOUNG GIRL at the school and like now, then his ministry said nothing. And the WUTLESS MEDIA fanned his silence over the matter.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost, Bethel decides to act as if he care? BETHEL MUST RESIGN AND RESIGN FORTHWITH, for failing the children of this country! RESIGN BETHEL, RESIGN!



  1. After listening to Mr. Troy Garvey, PTA president at EMR on ZNS news, I am lead to believe that this was indeed a cover up by the Ministry of Education. Why would the Minister for education act like he his just being informed about these claims? Mr. Garvey has stated that reports have been made about two years ago to the Ministry of Education. I was really trying to give Carl Bethel the Minister of Education the benefit of a doubt, but there are too many unanswered questions where he is concerned. I don’t believe that he is doing a good job with this portfolio; he is indeed the wrong man for the job. I truly believe he is the worst Minister we ever had representing Education. How many more of our children have to be raped, before the PM does something with him? I agree he needs to abandon that post like two years ago. It’s time for people to stop playing politics and care about what has happened to those little children at EMR. I was even shocked to learn that one of the students has been admitted into Sandilands Rehabilitation, this whole situation with these children is indeed sad and could have been handle better than this. People please remove the cow web from your eyes and give your sympathy and support to the children and not the MP who have failed them.

  2. WOW, that is exactly why we need to deal with people like Bethel’s son in a timely way.

    Politricks has a way of destroying a country. When you let the son of a Minister slide, then the teacher, then everyone else. Now this type of behavior becomes an everyday event, and the youngest among us are the ones to suffer.

    The repercussions of Bethel’s covering up what his son did will haunt those poor kids of the EMR area for a VERY LONG TIME. What a shame.

    Fire Bethel, Mr. Ingraham. He is not fit to serve in that position.

  3. In regards to sex in the schools, if the didn’t handle the case concerning a certain Ministers son and nephew properly, how in the world could y’all expect them to handle this one properly. He was walking on eggshells because anything he said could have been thrown back in his face.

  4. Those poor children at EMR will need all kind of counseling now, I don’t know if some of them will ever be able to get their lives back on the right track after what that evil man was allowed to do to that school. Parents need to let those little ones know what happened is not their fault in anyway. Our authorities played right around until Berbal was able to escape justice, now they all over the news talking crap and wanting to bring about justice. Why they could not do this when we had him here? These people make me so sick to my stomach! They are always working backwards!!

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