Justice is not only swift – but is showing these rude parents and their criminal children to straighten up and fly right!

Mother in Fox Hill tonight for fighting Principal! Praise da Lord! Life is a good lesson!
Freeport GB — If you think you can attack a teacher or anyone for that matter and get off, know this, you will be dealt with by the swiftest actions of the law.
Today that mother who knocked to the floor the Principal of the Jack Hayward High School had her day in court today and was sentenced to one year in prison.
The mother Ms. Williams – seen here in this picture above – was arrested and given one year for resisting arrest. Six month for the assault of the principal and another six month after failing to pay punitive damages to the head mistress.
The attack occurred this week at the Grand Bahama school and his forced a statement from the Minister for Education.
The assault on the Principal Yvonne Ward angered Education Minister the Hon. Jerome Fitzgerald as he is called for swift justice in the matter.
He addressed the matter while touring the expansion of the College of The Bahamas Northern Region campus.
Mr. Fitzgerald also met with Mrs. Ward and other senior executives from his Ministry on Grand Bahama, prior to holding a press conference.
The Minister said, “I want to make it clear that as Minister for Education, one of my first and most paramount responsibilities, really, is the safety and protection of our teachers, administrators and students on all of our campuses,” he told the media.
“It is a responsibility and obligation that I take very seriously and one that I have tried on every occasion I have had an opportunity to make it clear not only to those persons on campus but also the general public, that when it comes to matters of the security and safety on our campuses, there will be no compromise from myself or from the Ministry of Education.
“Having said that, I was very alarmed yesterday (Tuesday) to receive a report that an incident took place at Sir Jack Hayward High involving a parent of a student, in fact, a past parent of a student and the principal, where an assault took place.
“Upon receiving that report, I made contact with the Minister of State for National Security and made it clear to him that it is my desire as Minister to ensure that the full weight of the court and the police system is brought to bear to ensure that matter is expedited before the courts and that swift justice takes place,” the Education Minister said.
Mr. Fitzgerald said he is “totally disgusted” at the situation and feel for all administrators and educators who on a day to day basis sacrifice so much for the children.
He said to come to a point where a parent would find it in themselves to go and physically attack a teacher or administrator “really is beyond what we can tolerate in the Ministry and beyond what I will tolerate as Minister.
“Moving forward, I want to say that parents who take the liberty or think that they can come on to campus and interfere with or physically interfere with any teacher or administrator, they will find at the end of the day that I will utilise my discretion to ensure that that child does not have a place in any public school in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
“I want all parents to understand clearly moving forward that they have to understand and appreciate that not only will they be brought before the court, but they are also in fact jeopardising the future education of their children in the public school system.
“It is something that we will not tolerate in the Ministry of Education and I will not tolerate as Minister of Education. I expect anyone on campus to behave in a reasonable, civilised and mature manner. That includes the kids, the teachers and administration, and that includes the parents,” he said.
Meanwhile happening in the morning are developments at the Calton E. Francis Primary School will be brewing. A PTA/Teachers meeting tonight was held to address matters at that school.
BUT President, who is seeking to bring chaos to the education system intends to close down the school tomorrow.
We report yinner decide!