Wife leaves husband for a gray hair Lesbian


Nassau, Bahamas — The wife of an MP is finding new pleasures in the flesh and has abandoned her husband cold in the bed for another woman in the FNM. The shocking revelation has left FNMs in a daze and has left the jaws of BP glued to the floor. Now, this is not our kind a story, but we could not let this pass.

Bahamas Press has learned from credible sources inside the FNM a love affair has developed between two women and here’s another story you will never see in any tabloid in the country.

We are told the love triangle began following a meeting of the women at the 2009 FNM Convention last November. We understand one of the more popular ‘ladies in red’ had just arrived at the Conclave from a long trip in North America. With frigid temperatures and no love in the bed, desperation, we are told was set and Stella returned to the country determined to get her groove back.

Since the hookup at the Convention BP understands several escapades into the US by the MP’s wife had since occurred and to this day continues.

Our source in the FNM said, “The situation has left the MP, who is also finding it difficult to be re-elected for his seat in New Providence, devastated. He can be seen crying almost everyday since the revelation and can be heard choking under mounds of pressure whenever his wife journeys to the US.”

Bahamas Press is saddened by the news and advises the MP to seek counseling immediately. One thing the politician should have learned by now is this; in politics, you cannot have it both ways.

BP advises the wife of MP to refrain from such damnable abominable pleasures of the flesh. Leave that gray hair YOU_KNOW_WHAT ALONE AND STICK WITH YOUR HUSBAND! Otherwise, the next time BP must comment, it will not have any restraint whatsoever, and we will have no choice but call ‘ya’ name!

A word to the wise is sufficient!


  1. Life can be so unfair as men now have to compete with both sexes for females.My advice to all men is to be affectionate with your girlfriends/wives in public.Continue to do all the things you did while getting their attention.Lets all be like Rev Earle”sweet potato”Francis throw lots of public affection on your partners.This is all out war so lets respond and ward off any competition.And you MP stop being a wimp and go back to basics.Lastly some men are afraid of being amorous publicly with their partners,what louses as all women love plenty attention.

  2. While I feel sorry for this MP whom ever he is, I still think he needs to pull it together and give this woman her walking paper. It is obvious she isn’t serious about the marriage, otherwise she wouldn‘t be taking it for granted. Everybody else could relate to how her behaviour is affecting him, you don’t think she could see what she is doing to him? He need to accept reality and stop making himself seems so light by acting like a hurt little puppy in public. Just how she got tired of him, don’t worry she soon get bored with that gray headed woman and if I was him, I wouldn’t be sitting around waiting for her to make up her mind about what she wants. BP you should have exposed this gray hair lesbian, because she should know better. She know we need those MPs to be focus so they can be able to do their jobs effectively and she gone and break up this MP‘s marriage. Now, I wonder which government department he’s running, it so hard to pin point which one, because most of them are not functioning up to standards. In fact, most of those MPs must be going through some kind of relationship problems if you look at the way they running those departments.

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