Murder number 124 since 2009 in Farm Road


Bahamas Press has learned sometime around 12:30 am on Sunday 30th May, 2010 police received information of a shooting at Peter Street East, off East Street.

Police responded and discovered the lifeless body of a male clad in a long blue jeans pants, black and white stripe shirt and brown shoes with multiple gunshot injuries to the body.  EMS responded and pronounced the victim dead.  The deceased is believed to be a 24 year old resident of Brougham Street.

Police are investigating and appealing to members of the public  who have any information, regarding this incident to kindly contact them at 919, crime stoppers 328 TIPS, CDU 502-9991 or Southern Police Station at 322-3337.

The victim is the 124th victim since 2009.


  1. I hope this man pull through, because he was in some serious pain, the news didn’t say anything about this incident. He was in my prayers all day. I pass the spot where he use to be selling his coconuts and peanuts today and he wasn’t out there. At least, I didn’t really expected him to be back out there so soon. I don’t even know if he is going to be able to go back out there, because I believe he must have broken something, because of the amount of pain he was in. I would really like to know what is going on with this man, but I don’t even know how to find out anything. I don’t even know his name, I only know he is normally out there by Prince Williams School selling his peanut and coconuts. If I ever see him back out there again, that would make me so happy. I was driving in the area today, looking to see if I saw his friend who was with him at the time the accident occurred to find out if he had heard anything about his friend’s condition, but he was no where to be seen.. Anyway, I just pray that it isn’t anything too serious and that he will have a successful recovery. It just hurt me to know somebody could do that to another person and don’t even bother to look back.

  2. BP, I know this is off topic, but please allow me to get this off my chest. Tonight my heart is so heavy and full with resentment toward a driver of Majestic Tour Bus who knocked down a man on Baillou Road and fled the scene of the accident. The man who got knocked down was walking with a friend and pushing his trolley while on his way home after a long and hard working day of trying to his selling peanuts and coconuts on the side of the road. I always see this young man out there by Prince Williams School trying to make a living for himself. Now tonight, some bastard in a Majestic Tour bus knocked him down and left him in excruciating pain and didn’t even bother to stop. Even if the driver had panic for a minute and wasn’t thinking clearly and left the scene, once they realized that they had knocked down a man and sent his trolley flying into the air, he could have returned to the scene to show his concern for the person he had hit. That would have been the right thing to do, but instead they did the opposite. What this driver did is something you shouldn’t even do to a dumb animal much less a human being. How could this driver be so cold and heartless? What kind of people are behind the wheels of those Majesty Tour buses? I hope the police are able to track down this bastard and put them behind bars where they belong. Eye witnesses on the scene informed the police that it was a Majestic Tour Bus. Now all the police has to do is look for a Majestic Tour Bus with a dent and some blood stains on it and they should have this criminal of the streets. This person is extremely dangerous to society. I would just like to thank the police for their quick response and for the level of professionalism they displayed at the scene of the accident. An off duty officer were on the scene right after the accident took place. Also, my prayer is with the victim at this time and I wish him a full recovery. May God’s love be with him.

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