Murder on St. Michael’s Road is country’s first and 312th since 2009

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Country records FIRST MURDER FOR 2012

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press is reporting murder number 312 and 1st for 2012. The incident occurred around 9PM last night [the first day of the year].

We can tell you the victim a male, believed to be a resident in the area, was stabbed to death and died following his wounds. The incident took place on St. Michael’s Road just off Prince Charles Drive.

Sources tell us the man, who we believe to be in his late 30s, got into an altercation when the incident occurred.

Crime has spiraled out of control in 2011 as more than 127 residents becoming victims of murder and with some 25 incidents still unclassified by police. The number of murders have doubled since 2006 and is the highest in the country record ever.

We report yinner decide.


  1. this is one of my close friends here he may have not been a saint but he was a devoted father and friend it is so sad that his life had to end like this but i know for sure his death will not go in vain

  2. I don’t know what to say, this is just absurd! The new year just rolled in and the slaughtering already began. It’s like this person couldn’t wait to be the first one to commit the first murder. People lets try to live together this year as humans. Stop with all the jealousy, envy, hatred and revenge. If you know you did wickedness or wrong to people don’t wait for your deeds or them to catch up with you, go and try to resolve those matters. Stop living these scandalous life and liking people things, leave people’s wives and husbands alone or if you notice you have a crush on someone and you know they seeing someone wait until the relationship is resolved, before you decide to get all up in the midst. Don’t have people writing your name on no cutlass. Stop cloaking people who you know are engaged in these illegal activities, that’s the only way we could get to the bottom of this crime situation. Work with the police, they only could do so much, but they need our help. Remember they are there to protect us and they are our friends. I admit, some of them are a little mess up and wicked, but for the most part you have some decent officers on the force who are serious about their jobs. These criminals have been allowed to put fear in this community, but if we could come together and work together to removed the criminal element from the street, we could take this country back from them. Instead of us fearing them, let them fear us. Let’s be more forgiving towards others then maybe we wouldn’t have all this killing.

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