Murder witness and known drug dealer in the Pinewood area gunned down this afternoon…


Here we go again!

Live shots from the ground on Walnut Street Pinewood...
Live shots from the ground on Walnut Street Pinewood…

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press is right now following a developing situation in the Pinewood Gardens community where we understand a known drug dealer in the area has been shot to the head.

The victim, who is still alive, goes by the street name “Donkey”! The victim’s real name is, Jason Cooper, a resident on Walnut Street in the Pinewood. The incident unfolded outside his home.

He, many of you should remember, was witness in the killing of 20-year-old Deron Bethel back in 2006.

Cooper was known in the area and known to police.

BP is watching these developments at they happen.

We report yinner decide!