Murdered remains found all over Nassau



Human remains were discovered between the roadway and a side pavement near Montagu beach. Now here an area where hundreds of Bahamians walk every morning to exercise. Who in this country could have buried a whole person almost in the road? Police need to release a list of the names on ALL missing persons to the nation. IMMEDIATELY!

In less then 24 hours later police found a young man lying dead with multiple stab wounds about the body out in the western district of New Providence. With more dead bodies on their hands, police we are sure has stopped counting. Below is the body being carried away from the scene.



  1. hey, STOP! THINK!
    anyone ever thought of those remains a historic grave maybe from wey back when?
    alot has happened back in the day in nassau, I wonder who dug so deep as to being able to find skelatal remains and not thinking of our history as well?

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