National Local Organising Committee/ CARFiTA Bahamas 2013 Statement

Shervin Stuart

Nassau, Bahamas –  Following is a brief statement by Shervin Stuart, Co-Chairman, The Marketing and Public Relations Committee, The National Local Organising Committee/ CARFiTA Bahamas 2013:

While we are happy that the Carifta event was well received from the many positive responses received and continuing to be expressed there was an early challenge in meeting the expectations of the international media in particular.

We were very grateful for the suggestions given by Brent Stubbs Senior Sports Reporter from the Tribune News and several members of the regional press specifically from Trinidad and Tobago. Their suggestions helped make the set up for the media in the area of the stadium assigned to the media workable. The primary concern of consistent internet access both in the mix zone and main media room plus electrical power to their stations at the track site were addressed and by the end of the second day these matters were resolved. The media team assigned by the LOC to the media made every effort to be as accommodating as possible responding to their concerns as efficiently as possible.

We thank BTC for assisting through their engineers to resolve the internet access issues and the NSA for their timely on site response also to the electrical concerns. We understand how important the media is as partners with the LOC and thank them for their coverage throughout the four days of the games.

C.O.B. International Track and Field Meet: April 6th

On Saturday, April 6th, 2013 The College of The Bahamas’ Athletics Department will host its first international track and field meet at the Thomas A. Robinson Stadium featuring top athletes from COB, Bethune-Cookman University, Warner College as well as local track clubs. Athletes will compete in shot put, hurdles, discus, triple jump, long jump, and four by four relays and intermediate and junior relays. Among the competitors will be COB CARIFTA qualifiers Ms. Ashley Oembler (discus) and Mr. Gerrard Burrows (shot put).