NCA must explain this? Why are children in a classroom flooded with water – with electricity on…


What could the people running this school thinking?

Flood waters in a private school classroom.

Nassau, Bahamas –– Nassau Christian Academy must be one of those schools that does not take the safety of its student population seriously.

This past week a rainstorm flooded a grade one classroom at the  school and students were left stuck in that classroom in knee deep water. They were found sitting on the desks.

Now imagine that it is raining, the muddy ground is swelling with  water, the electricity is on and your small child is in that water,  just waiting for an electrical shock to happen. These people must be  crazy!

We at Bahamas Press can write all day to suggest what we think should happen, but we ga leave our thoughts and let yinner see for  yourselves what happened.

We ga report and let yinner decide!

Another story which cannot make the pages of the WUTLESS MEDIA in the Bahamas…