Near death experience at the Betty Kelly-Kenning Aquatic Centre…Bad management is to blame


Swimming bettyNassau, Bahamas — There is some serious indeed shocking news coming out of the Betty Kelly-Kenning Aquatic Centre. Bahamas Press has learned the treasure entrusted to the Bahamian people is quickly turning into a centre for the few. This was not the wish of the late Betty Kenning who just recently passed.

Bahamas Press has learned here is another facility now being affected by the poor administration of the mold head minister we liken as Mr. Pillsbury Doughboy.

Management at the pools we are told is the worst in its history. We understand the pools are managed by one weakling named, Kevin Colebrooke, who some say does not to know a lick about pool management.

Recently, a young swimmer, Joshua Thompson, went to train in the pool facility but discovered that the heater in the pool at complex was never turned on. BP has learned young Josh, following that session of swimming, had to be rushed to the hospital the following day after suffering from a serious case of hypothermia [the condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal]. Josh’s near death experience we understand was a direct result of the facility’s poor management.

Sources close to the swim centre said Colebrooke is not happy to welcome swimmers with too much of the Creator’s dark polish at the facility and therefore, when Josh entered the water the heater was never turned on.

We understand the pool is today closed because of poor maintenance. We simply say, had the pool been properly maintained and managed, young Josh would not have had his near death experience, the facility would be open and the young swimmers of the Bahamas [BLACK, WHITE, YELLOW, RED AND PURPLE] would all be practicing in the pools for the big regional CARIFTA games to be held just months from now.maynardcharles

Could you imagine that? Young Bahamians swimmers are to head out for International competition and there is no national facility for them to train? What kind of ‘SUGAR’ is this?

Could this also suggest that the minister AKA Pillsbury Doughboy hopes to see the Bahamas not medal at this year’s CARIFTA games? Could it be that the WUTLESS Minister hopes not to see the wishes and dreams of the Kenning family come true? Or could it be the man who chuckles and makes fun of everything in sight has taken this department under to place his stamp of STOP, REVIEW AND CANCEL all over it?

The Betty Kelly-Kenning Aquatic Centre could only have BAD management because it simply has a WUTLESS Minister.



  1. This Kevin Colebrooke person must be somebody’s family or friend, that’s the only way I could see them keeping him around if he doesn’t knows anything about maintaining pools. They need to stop doing foolishness and hired the right person for the job, because this young man could have losted his life so unnecessary and this might even have a permanent effect on him. This is so sad, I am sure Betty Kelly-Kenning intended for Aquatic Centre to be something positive for the country never expecting it to be poorly managed. Mr. Pillsbury needs to get it right, if only in memory of her.

  2. maybe the pilsbury doughboy should go back to runnin his cheap rompin shop style roachmotel.

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