NEMA Accepts Hurricane Relief Supplies from The Ministry of Agriculture & Marine Resources


NEMA Director Capt. Stephen Russell and Minister for Agriculture V. Alfred Gray.
NEMA Director Capt. Stephen Russell and Minister for Agriculture V. Alfred Gray.

NASSAU, The Bahamas – The Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources donated an assortment of emergency relief supplies to the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, during a presentation at the ministry on Tuesday, October 13, 2015.

The Minister, the Hon. V. Alfred Gray, thanked his staff for the donation to those affected by devastating Category 4 Hurricane Joaquin that struck the Central and Southeast Bahamas at the beginning of October.

Also donated was feed for livestock on the islands, an economic staple for some of those communities.

Director of NEMA Captain Stephen Russell said it was a fantastic gesture from the ministry and the public at large, which spoke well of the people of The Bahamas. Pictured, left, is Captain Russell accepting supplies from Minster Gray.



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