New developments unfolding between a Gov’t. Minister and The BNT; Close relative contracted by the BNT?


Nassau, Bahamas — “Some politicians have been crooked all their lives and others have been shady, deceptive and just plain wicked recently,” said one observer monitoring recent events between the personalities at the Bahamas National Trust [BNT] and members of the Ingraham Government namely, Minister Earl Deveaux.

Many persons are concerned with the blunt speaking Deveaux who rode the private helicopter of Bell Island owner the Aga Khan. Now this is not the story for as we said before while Earl and his wife rode the luxury craft to the Abacos for a private event, documents sat on his desk awaiting approval to dredge almost 9 acres of protected seabed for the Aga Khan’s development.

Land HOG and BNT Former President, Pericles Mailis. Could the black bag be the money bag?

Readers throughout the world should note if a Bahamian is found fishing in that area of the country, they could serve years in jail time for being in this no take zone. But here we see; a Minister, the BNT and possibly other members of the Ingraham Cabinet, are all acquiescent to the disruption of the environment following their deliberate acceptance of “strange” gifts from the Aga Khan developer.

This same Earl Deveaux we warned the Prime Minister about following a series of strange episodes behind the gates of Lyford Cay, which also involving a lawyer who was a former president of the BNT, Pericles Mailis.

Mailis must also answer the people of the Bahamas and tell them why was he so quiet and never spoke for the environment when a development near his South Western home dug up and destroyed all the mangroves in Adelaide to build himself a private dock. When will Mr. Mailis advise the public of any degradation or damage to the creeks of Adeliade that may have been sustained by the dredging of the channel and construction of the marina by the developers of Albany? Or is he now straight and can only talk about the lionfish?

Bahamas Press read the Torch [Tribune] September 13th edition with interest and what we read then has exposed a pandox’s box of venomous reptilelike creatures we now see raping the Environment; leaving the Bahamas like a naked women for all the world to see.

Again, we ask readers to not focus on the helicopter ride, that’s the trivial part. Earl himself spoke to the Torch and they threw that out, therefore, that is not the news in this latest episode, but lets look deeper into some statements, which are indeed revealing, illuminating and helpful.

Eric Carey, Director of the BNT

We’ve learnt there have been other members of the Ingraham Cabinet flying around in the The Aga Khan’s helicopter. We’ve seen them on Butch Stuart’s private jet also; therefore again, that’s not the story.

In that same edition with Earl, the minister said and we quote: “I’m not compromised, I didn’t receive any money “DIRECTLY” [KEY WORD], the ride on the helicopter was fun, but it wasn’t my first time, nor will it be my last.”

Bahamas Press has taken a closer look into this BNT, Earl Deveaux connection and what we have found is “ASTOUNDING”. The Tribune report noted, “It is understood that the Aga Khan donated $1 million to the Trust last year.” Earl noted he was inclined to approve the dredging of the protected seabed near Bell Island.

Here’s where the story gets interesting. It is alleged that a close relative of the minister, is the real power behind the thrown.

We’ve learnt by sources in the know, that relative’s PR Company is alleged to be contractually employed by the BNT and is located near the Bahamas Information Service offices.

BP contends this is what can only be described as a ‘RANK CONFILCT OF INTEREST’ and swirls further collusion between the BNT, The Minister and Private Developers raiding on protected land all over the Bahamas.

We therefore put the following questions in this Court of Public Opinion:

  • What are the terms of the contract if any between The Minister’s relative and the Bahamas National Trust?
  • How long has the Contract if any between The Minister’s relative and the Bahamas National Trust stood in place?
  • How deeply involved is the Minister’s relative in the Public Relations activities of Bahamas National Trust particularly on the Bell Island development?
  • And we ask the Prime Minister, when will he publicly accept or reject the resignation of Earl Deveaux?

We are BP are concerned with the present alleged incestuous relations between the Minister of the Environment and the Bahamas National Trust.  We believe the new developments are more serious than any helicopter ride. The conflict is sickening and the corruption is as stink as a dead corpse.

WE demand the resignation of Minister for the Environment, Earl Deveaux as we further probe the matters now before us.


  1. Not that i condone the graft and foolishness that happens in this country but how do you stop it?
    Do you as a member of parliament publish a list of all your relatives and close friends and this a no bid list for all contracts both private and public?
    As a hard working business person do i not go after a contract because someone is my uncle, cousin,etc.
    Ok i know we just bring in foreigners who are not related to do the work.
    If you were to take all the politicos in both parties and all their relatives and close friends there would be no one left to do the work.

  2. Grouper Mouth,why don’t you get a life; there are two political choices in the country and it will only be two for sometime; the PLP and or the FNM and this time around, given all the crap that has gone on under this FNM within the past 3 yeras, our only choice is PLP AL;L THE WAY IN 2012.

  3. The unfolding of events that so upset Bahamians has been going on long before the free luxury helicopter ride, or the $1 million gift to BNT. Is it not time for Bahamians to give serious and start talking among every person you come into contact with, about the possibilities of running and electing Independent candidates, come the slated 2012 General Election?

  4. BP stop pussyfooyting around and call a spade a spade! People are committing suicide and homocide in this town. For heavens sake rise up to your responsibility!

  5. This is Kamalame Cay all over again. Earl gave Brian Hew the cay and used it as his weekend home while he represented the people of North Andros. Thats why he was voted out in 2002. Kamalame Cay is now flooded with Jamaicans and Bahamians are being replaced with Jamaicans.(Reservations office moved from Andros to Jamaica, Bahamians let go). I knew it would not be long before he was at it again. Minister Deveaux likes the life of luxury to be in local politic.

    Guest who also represents Kamalame Cay. Mailis and Mailis

  6. Its Kamalame Cay, and we are we going back there Stoneman, but not just yet. Keep reading.


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