New FNM appointed Senator Ranard Henfield We March Leader

John Bostwick and Ranard Henfield.

By Bradley Roberts

I have been asked by the Press to respond to Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis’ appointment of Senators but particularly Attorney Ranard Henfield leader of the “We March” appointment.

This is the same Henfield who was clearly a surrogate for Fred Smith’s fake environmental group Save the Bays that was financed by Lyford Cay billionaire Louis Bacon. This is clearly payback time for the dirty and dishonest work done on behalf of the FNM. When the immigration ban is lifted on Bruno Rufa, all will see the payback by the FNM government for the dirty and dishonest work of Fred Smith.

After the first event by “We March,” the organization ran out of steam and the public was able to see that “We March” had no substance, but a political front for the FNM. The Parliament revealed that $8 million passed through Smith’s bank account with millions more on the way but do you see millions of dollars’ worth of environmental work being done in The Bahamas? I say just follow the money and the characters connected to Save the Bays and it ends up at the doorstep of the Free National Movement.

The print media in particular was able to point out the inconsistencies from the many utterances of Henfield. The crowning one was Henfield statement to the press:

When asked when he plans to return, Mr. Henfield said “Well, I have no idea when I intend to return to the country. But I can tell you this much – that I am not going to be on any ballot for any party. I am not in conversation with any party about running for any party or taking any postings for any party. I’ve had those offers and I think I’ve made it clear to every single party that I’m not interested. I’ve always been anti – parties, and that is because I believe once you swear your allegiance to a party, you can never be neutral.”

I am satisfied that Henfield was used as a front by Save the Bays to attack the PLP Government and was rewarded with a Senate appointment by Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis. The real leader of “We March’” is Attorney John Henry Boswick Jr. but was unable to accept the nomination due to his conviction of illegal possession of ammunitions which Prime Minister Minnis promised to quash at the first opportunity.

So it was never about the interests of the Bahamian people; it was never about protecting the environment and it was never about good governance. It was always about the deceitful manipulation of the Bahamian people in a dishonest pursuit of selfish political interests, nothing more, and nothing less.

The sad reality is that the Bahamian people are now saddled with a person or persons of the ilk of Ranard Henfield who will legislate laws and formulate policies to govern the very same people he deceived just months ago under the guises of nationalism and patriotism.