New PLP MP lost cool and ordered a senior public officer to get the HELL OUT OF THE GOVERNMENT BUILDING!


NASSAU| A new PLP MP who is already seated around the table of power has become drunk and obsessed with authority – after just two months in office.

Now BP had high expectations for the MP, but what transpired just over a few weeks ago is shameful!

The MP lost all respect for protocols when a public servant and the MP got into an exchange of words inside a government agency.

The encounter was shameless, if you ask us. The MP bum-rushed the office of the public servant and ordered that civil servant to “GET DA HELL OUT OF THE BUILDING!

The screams could be heard down the hall and, one person said, into the parking lot of the Government Office. 

In the months leading up to the general elections, leaders agreed to exercise a level of respect following the deep disrespect and nastiness the Minnis Government demonstrated against citizens of the nation. 

This incident, we again say, which just occurred under the New Day government, involving the MP was shameful and an absolute disgrace! We hope calmer heads will prevail in the future and that a civil discourse will be employed by those who we know are hellbent on undermining the new administration.

We ga report! We will be watching…and we ga let yinner decide!u