New Surgical Suite to Address Deficiencies at Princess Margaret Hospital



Minister of Health, Dr the Hon Hubert A Minnis (left) watches as Michael Diggiss (centre), Principal of Integrated Architect Lead Design Team and Public Hospitals Authority Managing Director, Herbert Brown, sign the $750,000 contract for the construction of an operating suite and support services, at the Princess Margaret Hospital compound.

NASSAU, The Bahamas — Construction of three new operating theatres at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) will address some of the “significant deficiencies” in the surgical department there, Minister of Health Dr the Hon Hubert A Minnis said.

Dr Minnis said those deficiencies are a result of undersized theatres and failing infrastructure which were brought upon by the “significant growth” in the number of cases seen at the PMH that require surgery, in addition to growth in the demand for general, specialty and sub-specialty surgeries.points-large_1

Construction of the new operating theatres will signal the largest capital investment project at the PMH in the past decade.
Construction is expected to commence in mid 2010, with completion scheduled for 12 to 15 months later.

Monday’s contract signing at the PMH between the Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) and the Integrated Architect Lead Design Team, a Bahamian consortium, comes days after a similar project was launched at the Rand Memorial Hospital in Freeport, Grand Bahama.

“These initiatives underscore the Government’s tangible commitment to the Bahamian people to improve, expand and upgrade our ageing and undersized health facilities,” Dr. Minnis said.

“Obviously the need to replace the Princess Margaret Hospital is pressing and is driven by current and projected issues such as population growth, changes in the levels and patterns of diseases, and changing methods and techniques in patient care.

“Recognizing that a new hospital will take, at a minimum, about six years to plan and construct, we have determined that key areas for improvements and development in the existing facility must be addressed in the interim.

“This includes urgent developments in areas such as the emergency room, eye wing, dialysis unit and the operating theatres,” Dr. Minnis said.


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  2. @Bahamasyouth

    If you want to go on believing that the Prime Minister wasn’t able to give them people their monies before the FNM had their convention, then go on believing that. I am not taking it on, because all you will do is drain the life out of me. I feel good just knowing I tried.

  3. @naomi
    Your right!…. Its possible it was a POLITICAL TACTIC from the FNM administration but I strongly doudt that they are that CAPABLE to produce that tactic. But you must look at the BUDGET Debate and also the American economy which is recovering. Also…. Tourism arrivals are a bit UP than last year and the PORT which will cater to a LARGER amount of Tourist would be a good thing for The Bahamas especially during these TUFF times..

  4. @Russell Johnson

    Russell Johnson :

    bulla :Cleola Hamilton is the Jungliss of the Year

    PAPA is responsible for the debacle at Education and at National Security and theses are indisputable facts.

    Your right exactly RIGHT however Ingraham should not only be held responsible for EVERYTHING. Hes only Human however I do see your point. MATTERS make no Difference the nurses actions was inhumane and Ms. Hamiliton shouldve been more CIVIL like Belinda Wilson. The government shouldve give the nurses the monies owed POINT BLANK… BUt you must remember that a country economy fluctuates. Like Belinda understood that and pursue her unions mission in a classy way. Ms. Hamilton did the UNBELIEVABLE and rattle up her union to stop providing service to the unhealthy…. THAT SPEAKS VOLUMES. Hubert Minnis is a wonderful minister… I personally feel hes the BEST MINISTER OF HEALTH. But we must also remember “THE BUDGET DEBATE”. All comes down to that SIMPLE. I really dont think Ingraham decided to give the monies owed during the fnm convention as a POLITICAL TACTIC. I just feel that The American economy is starting to recover therefore OURS is starting to recover.

  5. @Bahamasyouth
    You got to have tunnel vision! The nurses were told that if they don’t go back to work, the government will hire expats! I don’t agree that they should stick to the point where they deny sick people service, but what I fnd strange is how come they got the money now at convention!! It seems so sad that people would be deprived of what is due them, political games. Most of those Ministers certainly the ones or one who can make decisions are wealthy, but yet they getting their big time salaries and perks, they aint suffering nor do they care about the ones who are.

  6. bulla :Cleola Hamilton is the Jungliss of the Year

    I have read with interest all of the comments and note that John Pinder President of the BPSU who in a fit of jealousy stormed out of the FNM convention is getting no bad PR.Pinder even called a meeting of his union with a view of calling a strike but got no traction as the members know he is only a political opportunist.Hamilton on the other hand got overwhelming support from her members when a sickout was called.Nurses still have not gotten what is most important to anyone working in their vulnerable field ,health insurance.PAPA controls whatever happens in his Govt so Dr Minnis a decent man is only carrying out instructions.PAPA is responsible for the debacle at Education and at National Security and theses are indisputable facts.Blind persons still believe in PAPA and not the survival of our country.

  7. @Kim Sands
    OH PLEASE!! You enn getting it aye?…. A few months ago they had the mid budget address. During that time The Economist was stating that the economy is Not Getting better and it looked like it would get worst. Therefore simply THE GOVERNMENT could not Afford it and maybe mightve needed it for FOR RAINY DAYS.

    Now The FNM never made stupid and insulting statements to the nurses. HOwever junglis Hamiliton could insult one of the best ministers in the fnm?………..THATS wrong people were sick in the hospital and all you saw was darn ASIANS acting as Nurses. People were sick or dieing yet JUNgliss Hamiliton rattle up the union to not go to work. SMT please! They say she wanted to run for the plp the last elections. So who ya tink was political driven?

  8. @Bahamasyouth
    Sorry, but you are the one missing the point as usual. Like I told you before, I believe Ingraham was waiting until the FNM convention before he paid those hardworking people their monies. By the way, this is not his personal monies that he is taking out of his pocket to pay them, it’s the people’s money. These politicians need to stop using tactics and looking for opportunities to promote their own interest. I don’t blame the nurses, teachers or anybody for fighting for what belongs to them.

  9. I which people would just pay what thhey owe The government was in the wrong on this why should anyone be grateful working in such spartan circumstance for they own tings please an all this helm talk pappa gat the wheel hope he dont steer us into the bank

  10. @naomi

    Kim and Naomi they are entitled to it… Government never denied it but YOU MUST realize that Hamiliton carried on too uncivilized when she knows That Ingraham said when he introduced the budget that THE GOVERNMENT dont have much monies and we must start to prepare for WORST days… YES they are entitle to their monies BUT AT LEAST UNDERSTAND that the government did the best they couldve done when THE ECONOMY was down and economist was warning for WORST DAYS TO COME.

    Government owed
    Nurses money YES
    Teachers money YES
    Doctors money YES

    Teachers had a HORRIBLE Minister YES but did you see they stop teaching because of MONEY?… Ms. Wilson understood clearly what the government was UP AGAINST BUT NOOOOOOOO Hamilton dont care she rattle up the NURSES UNION to stop helping the sick… THATS A POOR ACTION IF YOU ASK ME! When Belinda had a horrible Minister and the nurses had a WONDERFUL MINISTER but one must remember that their were plenty rumors going around that C. Hamiliton is a big time PLP therefore she used this opportunity to turn off the NURSES against the government(FNM).

    Nurses job is to help the SICK…..
    Teachers job is to TEACH……

    YEt the Teachers never stopped teaching and the NURSES which are more IMPORTANT if you ask me STOPPED.

  11. @Kim Sands
    You enn getting the POINT… He pleaded with the NURSES went to MEETINGS where they boo him at the Nurses College…. He told them he is trying and understands their needs BUT The country is in a recession therefore when The Bahamas catches themselves he would make sure they get their monies back. BUT OH NO MS. HAMILITON went above and beyond to even plea with him. She rattled her union and didnt give him NO CHANCES. Just like the Teachers UNION however Belinda Wilson understood The GOVERNMENT and THE ECONOMY.

  12. @Bahamasyouth
    He was hurt because of the his government’s decision and treatment of nurses, not the other way around.For God’s sake stop being so partisan in your rationale.

  13. Dr. Hubert A Minnis is another minister besides Bran in Ingraham’s cabinet that I feel is doing a remarkable job. Recently, I have been trying keep up with the things he is doing to improve health care in the Bahamas and I must admit that I am very impressed by his performance.

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