Newest BTC Franchise Store Opens at College of The Bahamas

From left are: BTC scholars, computer information systems major Adrian Culmer, and management information systems major Falena Pinder; COB President Dr. Rodney D. Smith; BTC Chief Executive Officer Mr. Leon Williams; Rev. Dr. William Rahming; and BTC scholar, biology with chemistry major Jenille Henry on the inside of the BTC retail store at Chapter One Bookstore.

Nassau, Bahamas – Chapter One Bookstore at The College of The Bahamas is the location of the newest Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) retail store, but the franchise operation signifies more than a mere business opportunity, it symbolizes the kind of partnerships that The College continues to cultivate in its university building.

BTC, which is supporting student scholarships at The College, is one of the first contributors to the University of The Bahamas Endowment Fund – a special vehicle for private giving to the future University of The Bahamas – is a loyal proponent of higher education and, specifically, The College. Its $250,000 gift to The College in support of student scholarships and philanthropy is evidence.

The retail store at the Chapter One Bookstore is BTC’s twenty-second such enterprise.

College President Dr Rodney Smith said during the store’s opening ceremony held on Saturday, February 14th that an important part of building a university campus is ensuring that it meets the needs of its constituents.

“Having a BTC franchise store on campus is a boon to our students, faculty and staff and it helps to develop the kind of campus life that we want at the University of The Bahamas. In particular, it will help to strengthen the considerable relationship that we have with BTC.”

He reiterated that public-private partnerships are important in building the University of The Bahamas.

“BTC has recognised this and they have committed to partnering with us. It is a partnership that we have welcomed and we look forward to it growing as the University of The Bahamas continues to grow. We are also developing other critical partnerships to ensure that we build the best possible university for our nation,” President Smith said.

BTC Chief Executive Officer Leon Williams said, like The College of The Bahamas, BTC is a national institution. He pledged the company’s continued support of The College and coming University.

“It is an obligation of BTC, being owned by the Bahamian people, to make sure that there is a sustainable future for Bahamians. That’s an obligation. It is not a charity. It is something that we have to do,” he said.

“…I am glad that we have been able to work with The College of The Bahamas to take us further into what we refer to as the digital age.”

Chapter One Bookstore is located in the Michael H. Eldon Complex on Thompson Boulevard.

In addition to College and BTC officials who attended the opening ceremony, several BTC scholars – computer information systems major Adrian Culmer, biology with chemistry major Jenille Henry and management information systems major Falena Pinder – were also present.

Mr. Tyrone Greene, Chapter One Bookstore manager and franchise store manager; Dr. Rodney D. Smith, COB president; Mr. Leon Williams, BTC chief executive officer look on as Mrs. Marlo Murphy-Braynen, COB vice president of Finance, cuts the ribbon to formally open the store.