Pensioners may not get its collective November and December payments this year as staff go on WORK-TO-RULE!

NASSAU| “Fadder dem” at Christ Church Cathedral got the shock of their life after less than a dozen staff and board members showed up at the kick-off of National Insurance 45th Anniversary Celebration in the country.
Both management and staff refused to worship with the Director and Chairman of the Board who have made a mess of operations at NIB, resulting in the worst labour unrest at the Board since its inception.
Staff vowed they will not attend one function organized by the Board or the Director as long as they are in charge. Employees began a work-to-rule situation at the NIB following its successful STRIKE VOTE that was carried out on Friday past. Only one FNM is in all of NIB offices voted against the Strike Vote. And that one voter’s support was present during the poll on Friday. Every other staff at NIB – in the hundreds – voted to have a strike action with the Family Islands voting unanimously for the cause. The General Elections against Hubert Minnis Government will look just like this!
Sunday’s absence of the staff in the church was so disappointing that not even all the Board members attended the event. NIB posted nor circulated one photo from its media arm and the press is where ya put me! The event never made the news.
One NIB staffer who was just hired on contract was so ashamed of the attendance that she whispered and wondered if she was in the right church.
NIB workers told BP, “We will not attend one function organized by the Board and the Director. This week they are cutting the NIB cake – they better order one small cupcake ’cause we don’t even want a piece of it!”
NIB workers walked off the job again on Monday demanding a resolution on their industrial agreement which has stalled. Management joined line staff in protest last week calling on Executives to deal with the situation.
At this rate, NIB will not be able to pay pensioners for both November and December month.
We report yinner decide!