NIB Director Responds to Corruption Charges



Nassau, Bahamas – Algernon Cargill, Director of the National Insurance Board (NIB), is responding publicly to allegations of mis-management levied against the administrators of the country’s social security organization by Golden Gates M.P. Shane Gibson and Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador M.P., Philip Davis during their contributions in Parliament on December 2. ??Cargill said as follows, with regards the issues raised by Gibson:

1. With regard to the allegation that NIB is awarding contracts without going to tender, I wish to say that NIB has a very defined policy that governs the award of contracts and defines the NIB Tender Process. Our Tender Process is completely transparent and defensible. The 2009 document prescribes what works must be tendered out and what works can be performed without tender. I can say, without fear of contradiction, that the policy is followed in every instance since its implementation and any exceptions to the contract would be properly documented within NIB files and supported with business reasons.

2. As for the contracts being taken from persons believed to be Progressive Liberal Party supporters and given to known Free National Movement supporters for much higher amounts, I simply say, it has not happened while I have been Director. In fact, the spirit of business operations at the National Insurance Board has been and will continue to be to hire qualified Bahamians where the talent exists, regardless of political affiliation. We have awarded contracts to Bahamians based on competencies and capacity only. The National Insurance Board is an a-political organization, and I know of no instance where a contract was terminated for political reasons.

3. I have no idea of an item that was purchased by NIB for over $60,000 where the average bid was $13,000. I’ve never even heard of this. It should be recognized that through any tender or bid process, the National Insurance Board has to completely review all quotations and/or estimates received and compare to ensure that the product/service being delivered is equal. There are instances within the National Insurance Board and/or any organization where contracts are not necessarily awarded to the lowest bidder, but the tender/bid that completely meets the specifications of the product or service being provided.

4. As for the security of the old Buena Vista property, I don’t know about a security firm being fired by NIB then re-hired by the Minister. I can only speak to the current situation as it relates to security of the property. NIB bought the Buena Vista property under the Progressive Liberal Party government. The building has stood empty and unoccupied for years, but it is not “gutted.” Because it’s been unoccupied, vandals and thieves have been taking off with valuable copper, windows, etc, and vagrants have been squatting there. It is the plan of NIB to renovate, restore and preserve the historical building, and so, to protect the asset of the Board, we have engaged a security firm to safeguard the property, and we have done so at competitive rates covering the period from 7p.m to 7 a.m. each night. Since the engagement of the security firm, we have had no further destruction of this historical property.

5. With regard to the charge that we have on retainer a lawyer representing NIB for matters normally dealt with by the in-house legal department: I can say that NIB will have to, from time to time, hire attorneys to provide additional expertise and assistance to our Legal Department. Our legal team comprises one attorney, and while she is competent, we do not have the capacity to handle internally every legal claim or industrial relations related claim we face. I am happy to say that we are seeing an ever- increasing caseload as we move forward with our compliance initiatives, consequently, rather than risk certain backlog, we have engaged the services of an attorney to help move cases through as quickly as possible. Additionally, we have also engaged on an as-needed basis an attorney to assist with industrial and human resources issues. This is not unusual or unique to my administration, as NIB has always had the benefit of industrial consultants in this regard. Nor is it unique to NIB or any other public or private enterprise in today’s business environment. I can say unequivocally that our engagement of additional legal expertise is a warranted expense that improves our overall efficiency and helps us achieve our corporate goals.lewis-copy

6. As for the charge that NIB paid out $7,000 per session for 22 sessions for training that could have been gotten in-house: First let me say that NIB has always availed itself of the opportunity to employ the expertise of external trainers to train its staff. The Training department of the National Insurance Board exists primarily to facilitate the training of its human resources. This includes, of course, finding the expertise, wherever it exists, and securing competitive prices. It is not economically possible or even desirable to have all of the training experts resident in-house. And so, NIB has always employed external trainers as and when needed. As for the astronomical sums quoted, I can simply say that it is incorrect. I know of no-one who was paid anywhere near the sums quoted and consider that NIB obtained considerable value for money through the engagement of an external trainer and can already see the benefits of this exercise as we continue to transform NIB into a more customer friendly and efficient organization.

7. It is true that NIB has scheduled a two-day Executive Management Strategic Planning Meeting for two business days, but this is not unlike similar initiatives held for senior executives during the history of the National Insurance Board. As for the imminent one at Abaco, we have been successful in negotiating rates significantly below market (less than $200 per day). I am confident that the final costs to the Board will total less than was spent on the last 2-day executive retreat held at Emerald Palms Resort, South Andros, in 2006. Cost aside, it must be stressed that Strategic Initiatives such as the one planned, are vital in that the team is able to get away to plan strategies for the coming year , focus on the key business drivers that we face, and ensure team alignment to meet the business objectives and customer service strategies.

8. There is not much that needs to be said about the contract for the Inagua Clinic except that construction is progressing despite the fact that the Board has had to sub-divide the contract from one major contractor to several contractors. At the time this decision was made – early 2008 – no one contractor on the island was considered to have the capacity to handle this major undertaking alone.

As for the allegation made by Philip “Brave” Davis that an NIB employee is being awarded contracts, I can only say, no employee of NIB – permanent or on contract – has been awarded any contract to perform any works in the Board’s building division or anywhere else in the organization.


  1. @Miranda Burrows Hello Beautiful but clueless. You never let me down. Stand by, we will have a word on politics and crime on your next tea break after all we voted the same in the last election. I promise. Love the hair!

  2. Miranda :
    You seem a little intelligent but everyone is entitled to their opinion. This is a free country so you can go on and say whatever you want to say. I don’t take part in stupidness. The truth cannot hide. If anything was done both you and I know that it will be made known. If I had my way. I will encourage BP to solicit people who like yourself and Kim will look at things objectively. We all need to really look at this situation and ask yourself if this whole thing make sense or is someone trying to remove the spot light.

    @Miranda OK!, I will take a step back and watch what happens, like I always do, but who is this spotlight on, you speak of?, I want justice in this country, I want the wealth shared in this country and not just for some, people are committing the crimes they are committing because they don’t see themselves ever getting a fair shake in this society, now don’t get me wrong, I’m not speaking in every case, but we are treating are citizen wrong in this Bahamas, and this just didn’t start yesterday, it’s been going on from the slave ships have been pulling in port here.

  3. @Miranda Hello Miranda, sorry for just getting back at you, but again, the government controls the police force you know that, the government controls and makes the rules and laws for the justice system, remember earlier, last year they change the jury numbers, that’s what they do, and the ruling government passes laws by a majority, we all know who is the majority right, so when the country goes to hell in a hand basket, who is to blame, they take credit in good times,why not in bad, stop it ma’am, I know you know better, the only voice the people have in at the ballot box, and now a days I don’t even trust that, the government does what the government wants, and unless it’s their money backers, they don’t listen to us, and you know that, if this was the other party in power you would agree.

  4. @bahngr
    Thats PAPA who just loves to treat Bahamians with contempt.Ask the outgoing COP Ferguson who had the carpet dragged from under him.PAPA sees blood in the water and is on the beach sipping a becks beer while the management team and board at NIB sweat it out.It reminds me of facing questions from my ex wife who already had the lol

  5. @bahngr
    I agree, that your qualifications and quality job performance should be all a person needs to keep a job, but in a corrupt society it don’t often work out like that. I would still encourage parents to educate their children and not to be discourage by the negative that goes on around us, because once you have education the sky is the limits and beside educate people tends to live much longer.

  6. @Kim Sands
    I would think that in a progressive and stable country Mr. Cargill could keep his job on the basis of his qualifications and performance. If after hundreds of thousands of dollars in training and many succesful years as a manager he still has to grovel for his job, that is a very serious indictment of our entire society. It certainly serves as a warning to all the parents who starve and struggle to pay college fees and the students who toil in the halls of education all over the world that they are wasting their time and money. It is a sad day when this kind of scenario is accepted, no matter how real. HAI has no right to treat Mr. Cargill or anyone else that way.

  7. hey headgal I wonder what Cargill paying her to come on here. The countdown to their termination at NIB has already begun and they can’t see it. If they only knew, Cargill and the Board GONE!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  8. @bahngr
    I agree. She just come here and wants to kick everyone’s butt. If you have information on the shadiness at NIB, or could clear up some misconceptions, this is a free forum, please elaborate. We regulars would love to hear your part of the story.

  9. LOL!!!! damn! Miranda drink all the Kool Aid and ain leave none for nobody else!!!!
    Madam, as another writer suggests, if you have some legitimate response to the very legitimate allegations made n the Honourable House and on these pages you should offer it. This, madam may begin serve you r stated cause. Coming here and running on with foolishness only points to the absolute absence of defense to your cause

  10. @Awakened
    You seem a little intelligent but everyone is entitled to their opinion. This is a free country so you can go on and say whatever you want to say. I don’t take part in stupidness. The truth cannot hide. If anything was done both you and I know that it will be made known. If I had my way. I will encourage BP to solicit people who like yourself and Kim will look at things objectively. We all need to really look at this situation and ask yourself if this whole thing make sense or is someone trying to remove the spot light.

  11. @terrance
    Terrance am sorry tat you was not informed that my help cometh from the Lord whic made Heaven and Earth and not mortal man. Man is only move through the Holy Ghost. You could go andcheck the records I did not have no joy ride on no promotion my friend. I was not any of the chose few. I EARN this so I would hope that yiu will retract your comments and be a man and look at the issue that you are trying to address, and do it with some tact. Make yourself proud and believe that you and others can and will acheive much on your own. And yes I will do it again I will continue to pray and I will never loose my FAITH AND BELIEF.

  12. @Awakened
    My friend I really donot see where you are coming from, it is going to take all of us as Bahamians to get rid of this crime problem. Do you see the government telling anyone to go steal or murder? Do you see parents at the court houses putting all they can into trying to make bail for a son or relative who was charge with arm robbery, burgulary, assault? The laws are on the book my friend who enforce the laws, who are the Judiciary. Do you see the Prime Minister of Tommy Turnquest on the bench as a Judge? My friend we have to look at this situation and really look again what are the age range of the young men coming before the courts. See until we a Bahamians realize that we are reponsible for our own actions and not NO one else we will continue to blame others. I want a better Bahamas, I and you will have a better Bahamas, we have to play our part. We can’t blame the government for everything.

  13. @Reformer

    Mr. reformer I think the name suits you. I know now that you are a stranger to the truth. Tea/Coffe break I can assure you that you don’t see me unless you have nothing to do and is posted outside my office door. I admonish you again think on those things that are true, pure and of good report. Thanks for the compliment on the dress. But if you feel the need to ask me and others how we got here you should not be afraid or ashame to ask. Because so a man thinks, feels and act that is him. And from just reading your blog you seem to be very……….. God Bless you. Do not respond for you will miss out on part two which I know you want to get to.

  14. @Kim Sands
    Madam, Kim Sands, wait until the fact are in. The record will speak for itself. Like I said before if any person or persons do what you all are alleging they did, then it will come back to them. But if nothing was done then what would you all say. Many people died by the tongue than with guns or knives. Madam, keep focus until the facts are in.

  15. WOW.. What a day. I’m taking a vacation break after this season of corruption. On my return I’m opening a security business and running for Parliament. I am a lone citizen of this country with business ties internationally. Thanks to Americans who worked with me. It is worst here than in other Caribbean counties. By not firing these individuals, but victimizing some are like accepting the corruption. WOW.. The NDP have my vote next election folks!
    BP our awareness is in your hands. Well done!

  16. Miranda Burrows :@Kim Sands I want to respond to you and I really want you to think before you speak. If NIB is stealing from you why would NIb be prosecuting Employers to pay your contributions whih should have been paid. That is your hard earned money. So who is stealing from who. If something was to happen to you as an employee and your contributiond are not paid, please tell the Bahmian people how you would feel. The first thing you would do as many others do is to ensure that NIb go after your employee to pay your conributions. Kim take your time and think before you speak. Each person in this country gets paid for servvices they render.

    You need to get your facts straight before you make your comments, because I have never stated that I had a problem with employer making NIB contributions for their employees. My concerns is these allegation of monies being abused at NIB, because even if employers are making their contributions and the people at NIB are mishandling and abusing the funds at the end of the day NIB still would not have the monies in place to assist anyone. You work there right? So maybe you could let us know what is going on with the people’s monies.

  17. @Reformer I thought so, it kills me how these people got they head all up in these dudes U know what!!!!, no substance just knocking others opinion, I have no hate for HAI or PC, but HAI is in the chair of power and I hold him responsible, I have never heard Obama blame one person yet, and I am not a big Obama fan, but at least he is a real man, and stands up in the face of troubled times, his people does hear from him, more than we hear from our, do we owe them something?, Bahamians how does it feel to have been BAMBOOZLED!!!(AGAIN)?.

  18. @Miranda Burrows I see you every day on the Third floor on tea/coffee breaks campaigning for your Godfather(Papa), I am tempted each day to ask you how you and others in that place got those jobs. However after witnessing the persecution of a youthful Bahamian and his wonderful chief some years ago and how you turned your talks on them. I will continue to fob watch from a distance. Some of us are following your career path, knowing you have a savior watching over all us from above. By the way bsexy dress today!

  19. @Miranda Burrows Ma’m, under the PLP Tommy made crime a political football, all of a sudden it’s not a government problem, where were you then, why didn’t you let him know that when he used that argument to unseat the sitting government, now he has to prove what he said, let’s not practice hypocrisy ma’am, fair is fair, like you I want a better nation, but not to the detriment of the majority, because the few are greedy, no the country takes on the leaders personality, don’t blame everything on the parents also, why aren’t we are brother’s keeper’s, at this time parent’s have to work harder than ever to keep a meal on the table and take care of those kids, this problem is deep, deep, put government does have a responsibility, they are the law makers, their primary job is to protect their citizenry, they ask for it, they got, TOYOTA!!!, they need to do their job and do it well, and stop pointing fingers, they are suppose to be leaders, not winders and blamers.

  20. @Miranda Burrows
    Ms. Burrows stop trying to gain brownny point the same people who was at the top fix you up when they were there you know that you talks from both side of your mouth they plp took care of you you did not work hard for the promotion that you got you know what you did and you would do it again so shut up and be honest

  21. Laastly, I want to comment on crime, Crime is not an FNM or PLP problem this is q social probem all around the world and it existed from days of long ago. Crime is out of control because as parents people stop being parenst they become their children friends. No one is setting no example children are doing what they like adn there is no one to guide them. But if we all work together and stop trying to get something for nothing we will continue to have this problem. But I am a one of the Bahamians who have faith abd belief that crime will be wioed if uor streets,

  22. Awakened I tell yall some people are possessed with the spirit of secrecy.

    Their eyes are plopped wide open, their hair [natural and fake] point to the roof. Their teeth look like Jaws and all they chanting is one line, “Hushhhhhh, hushhhhhhh before Mugabe come for you……” LOL!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  23. @Miranda Burrows So there should be no dialogue on this subject, please let everyone voice their opinion in this free and democratic Bahamas, if you differ you should bring your proof and not to belittle them or call them names, you didn’t nothing to prove BP’s story is untrue, you went after the whistle blower, we must stop worshipping these politicians, most of these guys don’t have a clue and run the countries biz by slip-goes and hope that Obama brings us out of this before we notice they don’t know what they are doing, or better yet steal our monies and share it with their cronies instead of spreading the wealth with the citizenry, Ma’am there are a lot of employers that are not being brought before the courts true, but they mess with the ones they want to teach a lesson too or to have them step in line, so let our citizens speak, because the way things are going and if it’s up to you, free speech will be surpressed soon.

  24. @Altec The hurtful part is that this same media helped HAI win the 2007 election, by spewing out garbage that they called news, and he rewarded them the first day he got into office, and in turn they look out for him to this day, and cover all of the dirt, none of this was a mistake, this was all planned, and we are paying for it now.

  25. @Kim Sands
    I want to respond to you and I really want you to think before you speak. If NIB is stealing from you why would NIb be prosecuting Employers to pay your contributions whih should have been paid. That is your hard earned money. So who is stealing from who. If something was to happen to you as an employee and your contributiond are not paid, please tell the Bahmian people how you would feel. The first thing you would do as many others do is to ensure that NIb go after your employee to pay your conributions. Kim take your time and think before you speak. Each person in this country gets paid for servvices they render.

  26. I am most dishearten about this whole event or circus which took place in our Honourable House of Assembly last evening. In times like these we should be encouraging our people to build up as oppose to tearing down. There could never be any more corruption in NIB than anytime before if any at all. It is a natural disgrace when grown men take time to meddle in affairs of any business that is not their own with the hope of taking the spotlight of them. We must be mindful taht when we live in Glass houses do not through rocks. The National Insurance Board is functioning at an all time high and it will continue to do so. There have been many changes where necessary. For those who are lawless and shameless would never understand righteouness. Most times when people speak and speal in the negative they are only trying to impart their negativity into others, who choose to think like them. NIB will under the Leadership of The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, Chairman Ward and Director Cargill will continue to transform NIB and every other Corporation in this Bahamas to be effective and efficient. While there may be more to come I admonish you all that opose growth, prosperity and abundance for a better Bahamas and a better NIB to quit while you are ahead. For you must realize that in order for success you must encourage your brothers and sisters to continue to do a good job and not stagnate them with rhethoric talk. Also note that there is consequences for foolish talk. Because to this day there are questions about certain that have not been answered and please remember those who choose to lambast or cast blame on the head of NIB must remmeber that what goes around comes around. My brothers and sisters think on things that are true, pure and of good report. For whatever a man or women does that is not for good it will evetually come back. Therefore, get on with the people business of making this Bahamas a better place to live. This is one Bahamas, One People one NIB therefore, we must have one purpose to ensure that is functions. I will leave it at this for now because I have a second part and a third part and I will unleash the dragon. Be careful little mouth what you say. NIB is functioning and thosse who differ are doing so out of shameness, and failure when they knew that they could have done better during their time. Mr. PM, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Director stay the course, fight the good fight, keep on keeping on until the shadows flee. God Bless.

  27. Altec :What people are realizing now is that everything the FNM campaigned on they have done the total opposite once they took office. .
    The FNM claimed that they had the answers for crime, which was to just get rid of the PLP, now crime is worse under their administration
    The FNM claimed to be the party of transparency. Laing had Mona Ve, Brent has questions about Bahamas Hot Mix, Carl covered up Andre Bribel, Sydney Collie botched local government, Pehnton Neymour has Abaco up in arms over that BEC plant, Kenneth Russell and Co are lining their pockets with NIB funds, etc. Where is the transparency?
    HAI claimed HAI had changed! Well we all know that is a lie. He is worse now that he ever was because now he has learned from his mistakes and he is taking down his opponents before they even get started (Anyone seen or heard from Sam Duncombe lately? that FNM contract has her pretty quiet).
    In 2007, HAI pulled of the biggest swing in Bahamian history!

    Lone lies and empty promises!!!

  28. @Awakened
    That is what is make me mad with them, they don’t have any conscience. People in this country hurting and can’t find food to eat and all they want to do is thief from the taxpayers’ and share the money up with people in their circle and the hell with the rest of us who can’t make ends meet.

  29. What people are realizing now is that everything the FNM campaigned on they have done the total opposite once they took office. .

    The FNM claimed that they had the answers for crime, which was to just get rid of the PLP, now crime is worse under their administration

    The FNM claimed to be the party of transparency. Laing had Mona Ve, Brent has questions about Bahamas Hot Mix, Carl covered up Andre Bribel, Sydney Collie botched local government, Pehnton Neymour has Abaco up in arms over that BEC plant, Kenneth Russell and Co are lining their pockets with NIB funds, etc. Where is the transparency?

    HAI claimed HAI had changed! Well we all know that is a lie. He is worse now that he ever was because now he has learned from his mistakes and he is taking down his opponents before they even get started (Anyone seen or heard from Sam Duncombe lately? that FNM contract has her pretty quiet).

    In 2007, HAI pulled of the biggest swing in Bahamian history!

  30. @Altec
    The man is delusional and he thinks he is their Papa that’s why he is treats them like his children. I guess he says Brent off age and he could defend for himself and plus he could help him money wise, so he is proud of that one.

  31. These guys are not going to let up, they smell blood and they are gonna go after the FNM, they are gonna have to answer these questions, and not skirt around them, in these hard times they still trying to rob the kitty, they dead wrong for dat.

  32. @Kim Sands
    Kim, what these FNM’s are starting to realize is that they are all nothing but pawns in HAI world. The only person left in the FNM party who can tell HAI to carry his you know what is Brent Symonette. Every one else has their hands out hoping HAI puts something in it.

  33. @bahngr
    Cargill have all his senses, he already see what happened to Carl out of the blue. Let me ask you this, if Ingraham asked Cargill to deal with these allegation of misappropriate funds at NIB for him and he was to tell Ingraham no, he can’t do it, do you honestly feel he would have a job at NIB to report to in the morning? If the man wants to hold on to his job I don’t think he has a choice other than dealing with these allegations. You might think he stupid, but he is not stupid. He knows he is being set up and manipulated, but he is hoping at the end of the day he still has a job.

  34. Mr. Cargill doesn’t seem to realise he is being setup to get fired. HAI is responsible to answer all question put to him in parliament. Mr. Cargill is responsible to answer to him as Minster in charge. Having Mr. Cargill make these public statements, which are orchestrated by HAI and which will be totally discredited by the PLP and others in due course, will allow HAI to blame Mr. Cargill and ultimately fire him. This is why politicins like dumb, weak people who can be manipulated. Had Mr. cargill refused to make any public statements on the basis that he is not answerable to the public or the Members of parliament, Mr. Ingraham would be forced to stand in front of Parliament and defend his policy positions. Now he has cover that the decisions came from NIB and not him.

  35. I GAVE AN ILLUSTRATION OF sIR cECIL hovering like an eagle to crush its prey.I note that Cargill is very defensive in his answers for fear of being found wanting.I now await the strike by the hovering eagles.

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