Nicki Kelly exposes the scandals in the FNM


Between The Lines Columist - Nicki Kelly

Nassau Bahamas
— From the looks of things, even veteran editorial writer Nikki Kelly is putting a dangerous cut-hip on Hubert Ingraham’s tarnished FNM Government as she jogged the memory of readers Monday morning over the slew of SCANDALS inside his FNM.

The FNM believes the same way they could sanitize confessed drug dealer, Abner Pinder, and make him a JP, they would have the electorate believe the FNM is scandal FREE and that, by some mystery, the torch burned their troubles away.

Bahamians remember though and they cannot forget the millions and millions wasted by this government so they can collect for themselves. The road and the citizenship for votes policy of the Free National Movement are just a few of the questionable, scandalous positions that will sink the FNM SHIP!

We at Bahamas Press will not preempt what the veteran had to say, but today we post what she had to say.