Nicky Kelly is BP's Demon of the Week


<<<Nicky Kelly/Writer /Columnist.

Nassau, Bahamas — An avid reader of Nikki Kelly’s Column in the Punch wrote to us and posed the question, has Nikki Kelly become a spin Doctor and pundit for the Ingraham Administration? We note with interest that she appears to have been afflicted with the same “fever” that Hubert Ingraham has, “Christieitis”.

Her mantra and that of the other spin doctors and FNM apologists is to blame Christie for everything wrong in the Country. While Christie does bear some blame, Ingraham is Prime Minister and has made poor decisions that have placed us in our current state of affairs. He did not foresee the recession and continued to spend like a “Jungalist with a stolen credit card.”

It is Ingraham who has placed the largest tax burden on the working poor in this Country. It is Ingraham who is taking care of the 19  Wealthy FNM benefactors in the port deal while the rest of us are pauperized. It is Ingraham who travels on Gordon “Butch” Stewart’s plane. It is Ingraham who goes to South Africa while the Country suffers. He takes Charles ‘Pillsbury Doughboy’ Maynard and Tommy Turnquest while the school children are being molested and raped. The swimming pool at the Sports Centre has not been repaired. Tommy goes to watch Soccer while crime is out of hand and we are under siege. It is Ingraham who goes on a junket to be “wined and dined” by Sol Kerzner while we are being bastardized.

Yet, Nikki Kelly wants to blame Christie. We say to her the now famous words of Hubert Ingraham, Ms. Kelly, “You have no shame, you have been most neglectful”. You can now add this to your booboo prize, you have the dubious distinction of being our Third “Demon of the Week”.


  1. Who foresaw the collapse of the US housing market, and the itinerant things that followed? Perry Christie and Fwed Mitchell? Please stop writing foolishness…

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