Nissan Spun 180 Degrees After Accident On Soildier Road



A serious rear end collision happened on Friday evening along the western end of Soldier Road, just in front of the Southland Church of God. The impact happened when a white Honda ran into the back end of a red Nissan Sentra, causing it to make a 180 degree spin. The driver was taken to The Princess Margaret Hospital to nurse injuries caused during the accident.


  1. thats light. I got hit and spun round 5 times and through a couple trees. no ambulance or reporters ever came to me, and half my car was mashed into the center console from the hood meets the passenger door back to the very end of the car. I had a seat belt on though and it was a right hand drive, left side was mashed right in but the right side was “okay”, anyone was in the left side of the car they would have died instant. hit and run by other driver, other driver had no drivers license, no insurance, car was unlicensed, and he was high, yet as there was never an investigation by the police, I was charged by them useless pathetic jokers called ROAD TRAFFIC!!!!

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