Nitrogen Gas Poisoning in Sandy Point, Abaco tonight…three to be airlifted!

Medivac and EMS services airlifting three victims of poisoning in Sandy Point Abaco.

BP BREAKING| A major poison gas attack hit three residents of Sandy Point, Abaco tonight. 

BP is live right now as Emergency Services and Air Ambulances arrive on the ground, just minutes ago in Marsh Harbour.

The men were cleaning a nitrogen tank in Sandy Point when they fell ill and were poisoned. They are being airlifted out of Marsh Harbour right now.

Now, this latest report is being covered up as the Bahamas Government wants to suggest they were not injured. Not so! The authorities cannot take news of another disaster! Meanwhile, Health Officials are mute.

We are being told dangerous levels of Nitrogen Gas has filled the atmosphere in the Sandy Point area.

Teams are in the area awaiting the victims’ arrival in Marsh Harbour for emergency evacuation.

Our sources on the ground tell us officials are now in a panic state. Health Officials do not know what new lie to put out to warn the people! Here we go again as BP is now gas-masked up in Abaco!

We report yinner decide!
#dorian #abaco #hurricane


  1. “A major poison gas attack hit three residents”, OK, a first line that is clearly misleading. A leak of a tank, and an attack are different things. It doesn’t seem like BP even tries to do news, more of a FoxNews model. So for those that don’t know, like probably BP, the entire planet’s atmosphere is made up of 78% Nitrogen gas. You breathe 78% nitrogen gas EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE. BP, please educate yourself, and your community and stop writing conspiracy scare articles.

    • Well if you are responding to the people airlifted to New Providence for their condition following the attack the facts about nitrogen gas is irrelevant. You should educate yourself of what happened before commenting!

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