Here is the bumper of the vehicle which fled the scene of an accident. It was removed by police. Who will now do the right thing after this coverup?

Nassau – While the minister of National Security Marvin Dames is hellbent on cleaning up corruption at the prison, his Royal Bahamas Police Force is stink of BLATANT corruption! And we ga explain just what we mean.

Last evening [SATURDAY 15th Dec.] while traveling west on Tornique Williams-Darling Highway, a family of 3 (a mother, a daughter and a infant grandchild) was struck by a vehicle that came out of a side corner that leads to Pride Estate.

The impact of the hit was so severe that it caused the family’s vehicle to turn over.

But get this: the driver of the vehicle (a young female) did not stop and speed away leaving her bumper behind.

About half hour later a marked patrol car #326 came on the scene and picked up the bumper that the hit and run vehicle left behind and placed it in the back trunk of the patrol car and left the scene.

Onlookers tried to explain to the officer who was dressed in khaki along with a Sgt. that it was a hit and run and why was he taking the bumper from the scene? Photos and video were taken now heavily circulated though-out THE REAL MEDIA [ONLINE AND SOCIAL WEBSITES].

The family of three was taken to the hospital by ambulance, even though the mother insisted that she stay to deal with the officers. Officers told her that she had to go to the hospital just to make sure she was ok.

Well, her husband who’s name is also on the vehicle, tried to talk to the officers who told him that they don’t need to talk to him Because he was not the driver.

Upon being checked out at the hospital hours later, the mother presented herself at Carmichael Road Police Station, only to be told that they had no report of an accident.

After further inquiries by the front desk officer, the mother was told that she had to speak with Sgt 2382 Canter who was said to be dealing with the investigation.

She was also told that the officer had already gotten her statement.

She explained to them that she did not give a statement so how did they get a statement from her? This sounds like one of those political persecution cases now in the courts.

The officers from the traffic division was told on the scene that they could leave and that the officers from Carmichael station will deal with the matter.

The victims of this accident is yet to see or speak with any officers in regards to this incident.

When officers return to the scene to collect the bumper the young lady, who was driving the vehicle that speed off was bending down in the back seat of the police car.

Many fruitless attempts to get any answers was made.

Minister of National Security are you truly against corruption? Prime Minister Minnis are you serious DEAD SERIOUS ABOUT FIGHTING CORRUPTION? We want to know!

Or do you turn a blind eye to your friends and colleagues practising corrupt behaviours?

This family needs answers now!

The Bahamian public need to know whether it is safe from this form of corruption; by the people who is supposed to be dressed in uniform sworn to serve and protect citizenry.

We ga report and let yinner decide!

Editor’s Note: [BP has seen footage of the removal of the bumper and the licence plate assigned left in the road.]