No service office on the family islands by Cable Bahamas for 20 years – NewCo will be the same!


Will URCA really be investigating if NewCo is servicing 99% of the country and is indeed up and running for his October 1st deadline?

Nassau, Bahamas – The poorer communities of the Family Islands have nothing to celebrate with the coming on of NewCo,, Cable Bahamas’ sister company, which has been issued the second mobile license in the Bahamas.

The model of Cable is known to the distant communities outside of New Providence and Freeport, which are still waiting on Cable Services.

And in areas like Acklins, where hurricane Joaquin had hit hard last year, the mark of the cable company is just invisible.

One must wonder how CBL could think communities, who cannot watch them, would be enticed into buying a mobile service, which cannot be connected to the capital without the use of BTC’s nationwide infrastructure?

To this day, following its introduction to The Bahamas, Cable Bahamas cannot locate one local office to service and troubleshoot the demands of citizens around the country. After 20 long years!

But now that it has decided to move into the cellular market, what will change? Nothing!

Mama Dem ga still be listening to the radio for updates and when the child calls from Nassau, we can predict how that NewCo call will start: “Can you hear me now?” [Dead silence on the next end].

We report yinner decide!