No word still if a man was murdered inside his hotel room in Cable Beach!


No word from police on two women found dead in their apartments still – WHY THE SILENCE?

Kim Lunn

Nassau – Police still have no word on the discovery of that man found dead in his hotel room a few weeks ago. Strangely enough, when Timothy Vernon was found dead by housekeeping, lying naked in his bed, over the Easter Holiday weekend, police failed to even report the incident.

We are made to understand that an autopsy has been performed and to date those findings have yet to be revealed to the public.

And we wonder why? Was Vernon murdered in his room? Was he poisoned? Why his room was left in such a confused chaotic state remains a great mystery.

And no one is talking, not even police. Two other women were also found dead in their rooms the following week and still nothing has been revealed by their autopsies.

Banker Ruby Farquarson, the sister of noted attorney Ramona Farquarson, was also found dead in her apartment. Kimberly Ann Lunn-Wallace, age 51 years of Venetian West, another beautiful woman was also found dead in her apartment just days later.

In both incidents nothing has come from the autopsies of these deaths. Police remain tight-lipped and, well, all we saying is crime is down.

Ahh, well! We report yinner decide!