Bahamas Press supports the way FORWARD to strengthen the Legislative Branch of Government! – DO IT NOW!

Nassau, Bahamas — There are those who stir the conversation that what the Christie Government intended to begin this week was not the time for it. Some who are in opposition to a select committee to begin looking into Parliament and its modernizations believe that the time is not appropriate for such a bold initiative.
Bahamas Press believes the time is now to move forward and modernize our legislative branch of government.
The City has outgrown the current accommodations of the House and we believe the time is now to create the perfect institution [buildings and proper staffing] to service the needs of the legislative branch.
We say this hearing the background of noise, which suggests that the time – rather this time – is not the right time. The “noise” is what we know was spoken when the argument for Independence surfaced after 1968.
The same noise and echoes of “NOT NOW” was also heard by quarters of the society when “Pindling wanted his army – the Defence Force”.
The words “Not Now” came again when it was time to educate Bahamians and establish the College of the Bahamas.
“Not Now” was echoed when the idea came to establish the National Insurance Board, Local Government and The Central Bank of the Bahamas!
And so, looking at these bold achievements in our history, we ask the question: IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
We wonder why opposition voices are never agreeable to changes, progress and moving the Bahamas forward?
It was not the right time to spend $100 million in overruns on roads while Bahamians suffered greatly in the job market and unemployment rose up into double digits. But we did!
It was not the right time to invest more than 20 million dollars of National Insurance Funds into a failing liquor brewery – which was killing people with beer – but we did it anyway.
It was not the right time when Parliament did everything in its power between 2007 – 2012 to strengthen laws to protect the dog, the cat, the turtle, the birds, the fish and the rat – while at the same time the country experienced four years of record slaughter and murder of its people and the then-government sat idly by and did absolutely not a damn thing about the situation.
And so now the vision has come to establish a modernization of the Parliament and there is resistance?
Yinner cannot be serious!
The time is now! The time is right! Let’s deepen our democracy and grow this country into the jewel it is destined to be!
The time is now to modernize our country and push it forward into bright future!