Nurses Association Holds First National Nursing Debate



Lakerah Rolle Staff Nurse from the Sandilands Rehabilitative Centre and overall best speaker and led her team arguing against the topic “Be it Resolved that Nurses do Not Eat Their Young” to win the first ever Nurses Association of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas National Nursing Debate, Thursday, May 29. (BIS photo/Patrick Hanna)

By: Llonella Gilbert

NASSAU, Bahamas — Lakerah Rolle, Staff Nurse from the Sandilands Rehabilitative Centre led her debate team arguing against the topic: “Be it Resolved that Nurses Do Not Eat Their Young” to win the first ever Nurses Association of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas National Nursing Debate Thursday.

Nurse Rolle, who also won best speaker, was supported by team mates, Department of Public Health Registered Nurse Eldora Beneby and Department of Public Health Registered Nurse Glendina Minus.  They won the debate by scoring 452 out of a possible 500 points.

The team won the debate by utilising strong openings and powerful arguments. For example, in beginning her argument Nurse Rolle said: “While it must never be forgotten that inherent in nursing duties is the care of the patient, it is ironic, that nurses suffer from the Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde syndrome.

“While in one instance we are caring, supportive and concerned for our patients, in contrast, we neglect, bully and devour our young nursing colleagues.

“The question must be asked who is caring for the caregiver.  It appears that the physical, psycho-social and professional needs of the nurse have been leeched upon and neglected sadly by nurses.”

Ella Jane Anderson, Nursing Officer II in the Princess Margaret Hospital led the proposition and was supported by Department of Public Health Trained Clinical Nurse Camille Bowleg and Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre Trained Clinical Nurse Shantell Bryan.

They received a score of 379 and the team also strongly supported their arguments.

Beginning her argument Nurse Anderson said: “Nurses eating their young, this despicable expression implies that experienced nurses do not treat novice nurses kindly.

“Senior or experienced nurses can be compared to mothers.  Which mother cares and nourishes or places another person’s child above her own, unless you are a cruel mother.

“Nursing is all about caring; the majority of us enter the profession because we had a desire to care for others.  How can one possibly care for others without caring for self?”

Nurse Rolle went on to explain that it is a common for bad news to travel fast and often be accepted as gospel.  She said many new nurses hear the negative phrase and if they encounter a nurse who is less friendly and caring, it is accepted as the norm.

Chairperson of the Education and Research Committee and organiser of the event Persephone Munnings said nursing “eating their young” has been a subject of private debates among nurses for a number of years.

“This nursing debate, the first of its kind in The Bahamas, gives nurses the opportunity to express their views on the topic,” Mrs. Munnings said.  “The give and take of debating is essential to the process of democracy.”

She also applauded the participants for their boldness and willingness to speak on a topic that has been avoided for so long.

“I am certain that the experience has been rewarding as it allowed you to experience team work and friendly discourse and has sharpened critical thinking skills,” Mrs. Munnings said.  “The debate provides an avenue to strengthen camaraderie, as nurses from throughout the country were invited to participate.”

President of the Nurses Association Prescola Rolle said nurses attending the debate should listen to the arguments for and against and evaluate themselves from the information presented.

“These points will be a guide for us to review our actions and decisions concerning our colleagues,” Mrs. Rolle explained.

“We must think of the golden rule do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Nurses, we must support and respect each other and aim to always model and promote supportive and respectful behaviour.

“You have come here to hear, to judge, to support, but most importantly, to learn from this discussion so we can be that nurse, who nurtures and grooms the young, making this profession, the caring profession nursing must be,” she urged.


  1. WOW! That is all I can say. An incredibly terrific and proactive approach..Awesome! Totally awesome.

  2. I am thrilled to be apart of this era, where Nurses in the country can freely express themselves. The very face of nursing is changing and we must not only flow with the tide but we must at times trouble the water. This first national debate was the troubling of the water. I want to commend Mrs Munnings for the untiring effort she made to make this debate the resounding success that it was. Nurses I remind you again that the motto of the Nurses Association is “In unity there is strenght”. we must remain united and fight for that common cause; to deliver optimum care to our clients.As we deliver optimum care we must also remember to care for each other. Let the nurses in the Bahamas be known for the nurturing and guidance of young nurses.

  3. I am thrilled to be apart of this era, where Nurses in the country can freely express themselves. The very face of nursing is changing and we must not only flow with the tide but we must at times trouble the water. This first national debate was the troubling of the water. I want to commend Mrs Munnings for the untiring effort she made to make it the resounding success that it was. Nurses I remind you again that the motto of the Nurses Association is “In unity there is strenght”. we must remain united and fight for that common cause; to deliver optimum care to our clients.As we deliver optimum care we must also remember to care for each other. Let the nurses in the Bahamas be known for the nurturing and guidance of young nurses.

  4. As we deliver optimum care we must also remember to care for each other. Let the nurses in the Bahamas be known for the nurturing and guidance of young nurses.

  5. I am thrilled to be apart of this era, where Nurses in the country can freely express themselves. The very face of nursing is changing and we must not only flow with the tide but we must at times trouble the water. This first national debate was the troubling of the water. I want to commend Mrs Munnings for the untiring effort she made to make it the resounding success that it was. Nurses I remind you again that the motto of the Nurses Association is “In unity there is strenght”. we must remain united and fight for that common cause; to deliver optimum care to our clients.

  6. I sat in the audience and listen attentively to the debate on the edge of my seat with fascination. The debators expressed themselves with enthusiasm and eloquency as it was resolved that nurses do eat their young. Congratulations to Mrs. Persephone Munnings NACB Education Chairman for her vision and the support of her Education Committee Members. This is the first of many debates. To all of the participants in the debates, congratulations for a job well done, for indeed you were all excellent in your presentations of the topic.Lakera you were excellent, keep up the good work and congratulations for the award as best speaker.NACB is on the move and i will encourage all Nurses in the Bahamas to support your Nurses Association and let us together resolve to introduce more topics regarding our profession for discussion.

  7. It is an excellent day to be a nurse! There are so many things that nurses can do. The topic was an excellent one. The debate was an excellent way of showcasing the talents of nurses like Lakerah and the other nurses in the debate. It was an exciting one and had you on the edge of your seat. I would like to say to congradulations to all the persons who participated in the debate and I look forward to seeing other nurses displaying their talents and gifts in other areas.

  8. Excellent initiative. the question posedis how do Nurses care? How do nurses mentor/nuture? Can the answer from the Novice perspective be the same as the people we serve, our patients/Clients. What do our patients/clients see in nurses relationships with nurses, other colleagues, other members of the health care Team care, What do relatives see in our relationships and interactions with their loved ones and themselves. Great food fro thought which should lead to introspection and Behavior modification to improve,sustain the image of nursing we are striving to achieve.

  9. I thoroughly enjoyed the debate. Both teams did a tremendous job in researching their topic. I feel that more young staff nurses and students should have been present. It was also alearning experience and all nurses need to examine themselves and try to reverse the negative perception of our novice nurses and bring back the Caring in our profession for both patients and our colleagues.

  10. It is indeed awesome to have been in the audience to listen to the arguments for and against and critically review whether as senior nurses we eat ouyoung or guide them to fruition for quality service and excellence.How we deliver our nurturing is an important component of this process of developing young nurses. We need to do some soul searhing and as the President said do we do unto others as we would like them to do unto us.What else can describe this better. Thank you NACB you all make me proud,

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