Oh no Earl is that you? Well what is this, in this lawless Bahamas!


earl-truck-copy<<< Minister Earl Deveaux and his unlicensed red Chevy GMC Truck.

Bahamas Press over the weekend had received some serious footage of a minister in the government riding around the streets of Nassau in an unlicensed GMC truck. Yes on Saturday past whilst in the FML plaza near the village road round a bout, the great EARL of Marathon, Minister Earl Deveaux could be seen cruising on the street in an unlicensed truck with an expired plate (March 2009) in the village road area.

Now this is incredible. This is a member of the Cabinet of the Bahamas. This is an MP. He is a lawmaker [NOT BREAKER] in this country! WHERE IS THE EXAMPLE? Why in heavens name is there such LAWLESSNESS IN THIS COUNTRY! PAY YOUR TAXES EARL LIKE EVERY BODY ELSE AND LICENSE THAT RED TRUCK IF YOU WANT TO RIDE ON OUR ROADS!

By now people reading BP would know, lawlessness is one thing that sickens us to the bone. On Friday night a cruise to the Potter’s Cay Dock area painted another picture of how LOW the Bahamas [Nassau in particular] has sunk. Now the crowd was THICK under the bridge. Plenty people were out there enjoying the climate. And three officers were visible near the entrance of the first turn under the bridge. One was a senior officer in brown tapping a black stick in his hand. Another was a women officer tapping her stick in rhythms to the music under the night. Both appeared to be keeping order. But the third officer was hidden behind one of the columns holding up the bridge. The heavyset officer could barely walk for his size. However the officer, IN FULL UNIFORM, was visibly smoking a JOINT! There he stood almost biting his fingers as his hands formed into the PLP crab symbol smoking away. He took his long inhale; then cast his head backwards as if he had reached the gates of St. Peter. We stood simply amazed by his boldness, and pondered on his complete disregard for his senior officers nearby. THIS IS AGAIN INCREDIBLE!foto1

Now here’s an officer who should be suspended immediately without pay until he can get his act together, and be an example to the hundreds of onlookers under the bridge. No wonder the young men licking gunshot at police these days. They have no regard or respect for such persons who bring the force this low state!



  1. Russell Johnson :
    Now pseudonym, Earl deveaux please answer my statement about you giving your driver a taxi plate when you were Minister of Transport?Do you want me to apologise as well?Bring it on.And you examiner cant you see that the pseudonym spoke in the second person?FRom what I know not having plates on a vehicle is an offence so plenty is wrong with this picture.We the Bahamian people need an apology for you pseudonym not demanding that we apologise to the daughter that she got locked up in the Police raid.Selective commenting shows their is something to hide.

    Right on brother. Regardless of when the truck was licensed, this picture is clear evidence of an offense as no plate is displayed.

  2. Now pseudonym, Earl deveaux please answer my statement about you giving your driver a taxi plate when you were Minister of Transport?Do you want me to apologise as well?Bring it on.And you examiner cant you see that the pseudonym spoke in the second person?FRom what I know not having plates on a vehicle is an offence so plenty is wrong with this picture.We the Bahamian people need an apology for you pseudonym not demanding that we apologise to the daughter that she got locked up in the Police raid.Selective commenting shows their is something to hide.

  3. @Earl Deveaux
    BP, please convene a meeting of the editiorial board and provide an apology. It would be the best thing to do. As you are aware, I support the Minister 100% and he is a gentleman. He does not know who I am and I will not tell him. As you are aware BP, I responded to this story as being false. Please do the right thing, Dr. Deveaux is the only bright spot in that dark Cabinet.

  4. @Earl Deveaux
    Hon Minister, I know the type of person you are and I was here defending your honour, I am happy that you have answered. I have dealt with you both in a professional and personal capacity and respect you highly. BP, Please provide an apology. It would be the decent thing to do.

    • Do you wish for us to now add the video to show more? We don’t wish to see a license, lets see it on the TRUCK! And if that is NOT his truck, which he rode, then we will take an apology up at the next editorial board meeting. Otherwise, Deveaux owes the Bahamian people an apology.

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  5. Bahamas press if your going to be a represent able printing company you should check your facts before print. This licensing is strictly from the Road Traffic Department legitimately so we feel that you should apologize on behalf of Mr. Earl Deveaux.

  6. Do you not have anything better to do? So why don’t you check your facts first! Deveaux’s truck was lic in March 2009. Bahamaspress.com needs to check the facts before they publish something. I am sure that you will be supprised to find out that Deveaux’s lic was renewed in March 2009, infact I sure hope that Bahamaspress.com takes the time to tell The Minister sorry!

    • If it is license WE CHALLENGE MR. Deveaux or you Alfred to PROVE opposite. See I was waiting for one like you to come. NO plate on the front. NO Dis on the front window and the back plate say MARCH 2009. THAT MONTH has already past.

      Bahamas Press/editor
      PS: Oh BP has video on this also…..be careful Alfred how you challenge us. We shall wait to hear from you, or Deveaux.

  7. Examiner :

    Drama King :@Examiner
    Please examiner. This Earl man is anything but deceit. Dont let me bring out a few of his skeletons out that proverbial closet.

    The gentleman has been decent to me. I speak from personal experience.
    [Reply]media Reply:May 25th, 2009 at 11:48 pmIT AINLONG NAH!!!!!!!! LOL!

    Examiner talks changing. Always remember, swear for no man of flesh and blood.

  8. Drama King :@Examiner
    Please examiner. This Earl man is anything but deceit. Dont let me bring out a few of his skeletons out that proverbial closet.

    The gentleman has been decent to me. I speak from personal experience.

    • IT AINLONG NAH!!!!!!!! LOL!




  9. Talk about decency,Earl while in charge of Transport gave his chaffeur a taxi plate despite there being a moratorium at the time.HAI made him take it back then he shuffled him out of that area.The taxi union made plenty noise at the time which is late 2007 or early 2008.I am certain the daughter was charged in the last raid.

  10. Examiner :

    media :@ExaminerOHHHHHHHHH Examiner they don’t want to go there now. I have a picture of a rally, where Christie is being asked by Flowers to give him a call. As soon as can find, we would have to put all comment of yours to rest. Christie got BIG money from Craig Flowers of FML and we can prove that.
    Call me Christie, CALL ME!

    PC won big, must be hit the 4 ball straight. Bring it out BP. Hypocrites.

    Any think Ingraham and the FNM did not get theirs too? Surely you jest! FML still in business right?

    I am told that a sitting FNM Minister has SHARES in a certain numbers house. Like I said, either enforce the law or take it off the books. Don’t just raid these number house when the Government need a “loan”.

  11. Wisdom :EF. You suggested that..ALL MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT should be subject to Random Drug testing…?E.F. they would then use their wives or sister’s urine to pass the test. These politicians get Bahamians for fool “ya know.”I heard of a “MALE” officer who smoked WEED so much he decided to take a small bottle of his sister’s urine to place in the sample bottle. The officer in charge really thought they were going to be able to dismiss the “smoking officer” with this new system. However, the only thing they found out after the MALE officer urine test, was that HE WAS 3-MONTHS PREGNANT”!!! LOL!The joke of the matter is, the Police Corruption Unit is still watching this MALE officer to see when the BABY would come.

    Jokes for years!!!

  12. EF. You suggested that..ALL MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT should be subject to Random Drug testing…?
    E.F. they would then use their wives or sister’s urine to pass the test. These politicians get Bahamians for fool “ya know.”
    I heard of a “MALE” officer who smoked WEED so much he decided to take a small bottle of his sister’s urine to place in the sample bottle. The officer in charge really thought they were going to be able to dismiss the “smoking officer” with this new system. However, the only thing they found out after the MALE officer urine test, was that HE WAS 3-MONTHS PREGNANT”!!! LOL!
    The joke of the matter is, the Police Corruption Unit is still watching this MALE officer to see when the BABY would come.

  13. JR :Earl Daughter sells numbers. I know because the one time I bought a number, it was from her!

    That is a bold face lie. Prove it.

  14. LOL…so is this video with audio of Christie saying this or are we to believe that the photo alone will back up what you say the man said? Come on Man Media, you really going overboard man. Stick to what you know and what we can believe and stop putting your credibility under the microscope with these claims that amount to hearsay at best.

  15. media :@ExaminerOHHHHHHHHH Examiner they don’t want to go there now. I have a picture of a rally, where Christie is being asked by Flowers to give him a call. As soon as can find, we would have to put all comment of yours to rest. Christie got BIG money from Craig Flowers of FML and we can prove that.
    Call me Christie, CALL ME!

    PC won big, must be hit the 4 ball straight. Bring it out BP. Hypocrites.

  16. @Examiner
    OHHHHHHHHH Examiner they don’t want to go there now. I have a picture of a rally, where Christie is being asked by Flowers to give him a call. As soon as can find, we would have to put all comment of yours to rest. Christie got BIG money from Craig Flowers of FML and we can prove that.

    Call me Christie, CALL ME!


  17. Examiner :

    WOW! :

    Examiner :

    WOW! :Y’all worrying about the wrong thing. What he was doing at FML? Putting in his numbers or getting his payoff? Well muddos![Reply]

    @WOW! The man wife has a store in the Plaza, do not do that to him. He is a decent gentleman.[Reply]

    I think that may even be worse! They carrying on an illegal numbers racket in plain sight of him everyday and he can’t have anything done about it? Talk about balls-less! I rather believe he was buying numbers I think.

    I buy numbers too. Nothing wrong with that. FML everybody wins. He is a gentleman in my books. I deal with him on a professional basis and he has been fair and decent with me.

    This is exactly what is wrong with this country and why or society is degrading back to the “wild west” type lawless community. The fact that “everybody” does it doesn’t make it any less illegal, besides, we should demand better from our leaders. He should be setting a positive example not driving around in an unlicensed vehicle to play his numbers.

    As far as the whole “numbers” situation goes, either enforce the law or take it off the books.

  18. WOW! :

    Examiner :@WOW! He was not buying numbers,everybody else children got the loan.[Reply]

    Education loans to buy cars? “It’s Matter of Trust” my behind!

    They needed to get to school. It is a matter of Trust and PC is trustless and wutless.

  19. WOW! :

    Examiner :

    WOW! :Y’all worrying about the wrong thing. What he was doing at FML? Putting in his numbers or getting his payoff? Well muddos![Reply]

    @WOW! The man wife has a store in the Plaza, do not do that to him. He is a decent gentleman.[Reply]

    I think that may even be worse! They carrying on an illegal numbers racket in plain sight of him everyday and he can’t have anything done about it? Talk about balls-less! I rather believe he was buying numbers I think.

    I buy numbers too. Nothing wrong with that. FML everybody wins. He is a gentleman in my books. I deal with him on a professional basis and he has been fair and decent with me.

  20. Examiner :

    WOW! :Y’all worrying about the wrong thing. What he was doing at FML? Putting in his numbers or getting his payoff? Well muddos!

    The man wife has a store in the Plaza, do not do that to him. He is a decent gentleman.

    Wait Examiner I just catch myself. A “decent gentleman” does not rip of the Government school loan program buy securing loans in his children first name and wife’s surname. i know about this for sure. Try again with that decent gentleman vibe.

  21. Examiner :

    WOW! :Y’all worrying about the wrong thing. What he was doing at FML? Putting in his numbers or getting his payoff? Well muddos!

    The man wife has a store in the Plaza, do not do that to him. He is a decent gentleman.

    I think that may even be worse! They carrying on an illegal numbers racket in plain sight of him everyday and he can’t have anything done about it? Talk about balls-less! I rather believe he was buying numbers I think.

  22. WOW! :Y’all worrying about the wrong thing. What he was doing at FML? Putting in his numbers or getting his payoff? Well muddos!

    The man wife has a store in the Plaza, do not do that to him. He is a decent gentleman.

  23. Wow:: you are really behind on the latest news as one of Deveaux,s daughter was arrested in the numbers raid at Flowers.It might be the same time when she was caught on the inside and other patrons who were caught refused to let her go.She called daddy am told but due to the intervention of others caught in the raid she had to face the music like them.To all and sundry I support the lottery and feel it should be legalised.Our laws are worst than Taliban and islamic rules.Imagine in the 21st century the Constitution is being violated by preventing us gambling in Casionos or as we wish.

  24. Y’all worrying about the wrong thing. What he was doing at FML? Putting in his numbers or getting his payoff? Well muddos!

  25. With the unusual number of young men that we warehouse in the prisons daily for possession of a small amounts of drugs for personal use, it is a shame to hear that there are officers smoking in Plain sight.

    Here is a suggestion, and I believe that we should push for this. ALL MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT should be subject to Random Drug testing immediately, since they are the lawmakers, they should have to follow the Law. Why should police officers or defense force officers have to Submit their Urine in the Cup for tests and not Tommy Turnquest as the Minister in charge or the Prime Minister for that matter.

    We may find ourselves with enough By-elections for there to be a General election called.

  26. The EARL of Marathon is a law breaker just like the rest of those jungless they call Cabinet Ministers. He should be ashamed of himself. But what do you expect from a man who took the government student loan money and gave it to his daughters to buy cars. He is pathetic and dishonest.

    All kind of needy people around this place who DESPERATELY need money to send their children to school but he takes the money and gives it to his daughters to buy cars.

  27. Mr. Garvey our government is a big disgrace! We really have to get these people out of office, I have never seen anything like this. I have already copied your post and e-mail it to all my friends and family so they could know what is going on with this Birbal thing.

  28. To all my friends,please help in making sure that ANDRE BIRBAL is extradited to the Bahamas to face his charges.It seems to me that their is a loop hole being created for him not to arrive here.I tried contacting Mr.Bernard Turner @ the AG’S office in Nassau and he never returned or accepted my calls. Please Grand Bahamians and all Bahamians,dont allow this to happen!He has committed horrific crimes against our children!!!!!!!

    I will be sorting a demonstration if I get no communications from the AG’S office in Nassau.

    I request of you in this matter in the name of JUSTICE!

    I beg all of you’ll to pass this info around in order that he is brought back and face his charges.

    Thanking You in advance for your cooperation.

    Troy Garvey
    PTA President,
    Blue Collar Consultants (BCC)

    P.S. Please pardon me for interupting on this story.


  29. Whatever bucks up goes in this little country of ours. This particular police officer obviously don’t regard his job or uniform as anything that he should represent with pride and these are the criminals in uniform that they put on the street to protect us. These days you could find so many fat and out of shape police officers on the force, no wonder why so many criminals are always getting away. The other day, I saw a police officer whose thighs were rubbing as he walks and you could have actually heard it, this is really amazing. Anyway, I am trying to figure out, who the hell Minister Earl Deveaux think he is? This man really thinks he has arrived and the laws on the books do not apply to him aye? For him to jump in that truck, start it and drive off without the proper requirements in broad daylight, that’s exactly what he is saying.

  30. BP isn’t it surprising that they don’t feel like they have to obey the law. That is why we have so much lawlessness in our country, starts at the top with people like that not disobeying simple rules. But guess what, it is not only the FNM, there is a former prime time PLP cabinet minister driving around in a truck he bought from a friend and the friend say it aint licensed, it aint inspected and it aint insured. How come they can get away with this when we can’t? God forbid if they were to seriously injure someone or themselves, and aint got no money to pay for the damage!!

  31. BP everyone knows that many of the officers on the force smoke weed. Why do you think there is so much weed on the streets of Nassau? No matter how much is collected it always finds its way back on the streets. Nassau is full of dirty cops……..

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