Old Baptist Preacher aka “DA FEEL UP MAN” looking to head back on the hill to feel up the gals dem!

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NASSAU| A senior member of the clergy has shown up miraculously since the Davis Administration came to power in an impressive victory at the polls on Sept. 16.

The well-known Baptist Preacher, better known as “DA FEEL UP MAN”, once served in a PLP government where he enjoyed feeling up the gals deep inside the executive suite of a corporation.

BP watched in amazement as the preacher almost dragged himself out of a bed to welcome the New Day crew into power. Now we know the preacher is PLP and wants something good this time around. This is why he is sticking close.

The preacher once had a sweet-sweetheart, who would open her legs right in front of the senior pastor while he preached his sermon every Sunday at his big auditorium in southern New Providence. Eventually, she died suddenly, to the satisfaction of the wife, who knew the dangerous virtues of prayer. The preacher served at the highest levels in the Baptist Community and once lead the Christian Council in the Bahamas!

But now the preacher wants to head back to that famous corporation high on the hill overlooking New Providence to once again feel up the gals. Under Minnis one of the preacher’s gal was promoted to a big-time position as she victimized and fired anyone who looked like a PLP.

The boardroom lap-dancer wants the preacher back up inside the corporation to protect her and has already whispered to him how she has new skills and tricks to show up inside the executive suite when he returns.

BP one time attempted to encourage the “so-called Baptist preacher” to return prayer and meditation back to the corporation, but little did we know he was not interested nor did he respond to any of our requests both in writing and by telephone calls. Just not interested!

Anyway, the preacher is everywhere the PLP is having an event these days. His sweetheart is dead, and he looking to feel up a new gal in some corporation wherever he is placed in the New Day Government.

We ga report and let yinner decide!