Omar Penn aka PUNCH has been shot once again Grand Bahama this afternoon…

Known offender Omar Penn aka Punch has been shot.

Freeport| Bahamas Press is reporting another shooting at the Candies Bar on Grand Bahama today.

Omar Penn aka PUNCH is the said victim in this latest shooting, but his condition is still unknown at this time. Police have yet to report the incident.

Back in 2015 Penn, 39, of Lady Fish Court was charged with the murder of Kareem Abdul Moss. Last year October Penn was also the victim of a shooting where some believe that incident was a hit in response Moss’ slaying.

The police plan is indeed working and the lack of reporting of incident is serving the community well.

We report yinner decide!


  1. Wait-A-Minute a convicted FELON is allowed to be out of prison? He was charged with murdering Moss and yet was roaming the streets? What for a ZOO is that country? CRAZY! Anarchy.

    • Well this happens in all judicial systems all over the world. NOT JUST IN THE BAHAMAS MY DEAR!

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