On International Girls’ Day – Mrs. Ann Marie Davis discussed the importance of mentorship and community

Mrs Ann Marie Davis along with young educators and students at S.T.R.A.W. Inc’s International Girls’ Day celebration.
Mrs Davis

NASSAU, The Bahamas — Mrs. Ann Marie Davis of the Office of the Spouse of the Prime Minister, in her remarks at S.T.R.A.W. Inc’s International Girls’ Day celebration, October 18, 2024 mentioned the importance of girls knowing their rights; knowing their value; taking care of mental health; and she drew attention to the importance of mentors and community involvement.

On mentorship she said to the young women at the Breezes Bahamas forum: “Every good journey begins with someone who believes in your abilities  or who encourages you when you face problems (like me, like these speakers here, and like Ms. Cunningham and her STRAW team).  Mentorship is about more than just providing direction; it’s about instilling confidence, imparting wisdom, sharing experiences, especially the good ones and assisting girls in envisioning their position in the world. 

“A strong mentor can be the difference between a young girl who doubts her talents, and a young lady who is filled with confidence.”

She invited them to: “Look around you at the mentors here present. You need trusted people that you can form a relationship with. This person could be a grandparent, neighbor, guidance counsellor, community member or someone in a career path with your similar interests. A good mentor for young girls listens first then speaks after you have said everything you have to say, then provides insights to help you. 

“Mentors have seen and experienced what you are describing, so you should listen to them and take advice.” 

Citing the benefit of peer support, she noted: “Some of you can be mentors for your peers as well. To school them in the right way. This works very well because student peers listen to each other, many times before they listen to an adult.  Are there any prefects in the room? Do you mentor your peers?  So choose your mentors – who you are comfortable with.”

On the importance of community in building the individual, Mrs. Davis told the young women: “The importance of building a positive and supportive community cannot be overstated. Girls, you need environments where you feel safe, seen, and valued. You need spaces where you can express yourselves, share your dreams, and take risks without fear of failure.  It is in this kind of community that you will get help to develop the strength and courage to push boundaries, to lead, and to create the future you envision.  Help to build better communities.”   (BIS Photos/Kristaan Ingraham)