On The Prime Minister Dancing The Night Away While People Suffer


Statement by Chairman of the PLP Fred Mitchell

Casa Bahama in Freeport, Grand Bahama.

Nothing appears to us to show us how clueless the Prime Minister Hubert Minnis is about the suffering the FNM has inflicted on this country in the six months they have been in office than the Prime Minister on the front page this morning dancing and celebrating while thousands of those who voted for him are suffering from unemployment, hunger and deprivation.

It is clear that Mr. Minnis and his colleagues are tone deaf and blind as bats to the human suffering that they have inflicted on this economy by firing people from their jobs, by failing to respond to the cries for help and assistance, and by fostering an atmosphere of cutbacks and layoffs throughout the country. Instead of getting to work, the Prime Minister dances and celebrates in the face of human suffering, touring the country in a victory lap, flying up and down behind police motor cycles with sirens blaring, having a good time.

The PLP remains committed to helping all who are unemployed, who feel deprived and dispossessed, who believe that they voted for this FNM government and now they have seen the backs of the FNM. For example, BTC employees are reportedly facing dismissal because they are being forced to sign a contract which will reverse years of Union progress. This today can be traced back to the original sin of the FNM, selling BTC at a fire sale price.

While the Prime Minister danced the night away on Saturday last, the cry could be heard in Freeport: “Fix Grand Bahama.”

Instead of sending idle messages about the state of the PLP that has always stood for justice and right, the FNM needs to stop dancing and get to work fixing this country.