One Bahamas Celebration at St. Thomas More



Former Governor-General of The Bahamas and “One Bahamas” Chairman Sir Orville Turnquest (left) and first Bahamian Olympic Gold medalist and “One Bahamas” Co-Director Sir Durward Knowles say the pledge of allegiance, during the “One Bahamas” celebrations at the Saint Thomas More Catholic School, on November 17, 2008. 


Saint Thomas More Catholic School students from grade 2-S perform a “Parade of Islands,” during the “One Bahamas” celebrations at the school, on November 17, 2008. 


  1. As a proude parent of a student of grade 4, I’m proud to see St.Thomas More on BP in a positive light. On a daily basis, students are seen and mentioned in a negative light.Thanks to One Bahamas, St Thomas dMore was able to secure a space one the most read Bahamian website. I would also like to say congratulations to the basket ball team for making it to the champanship to square off against St Bedes. Congrulation to Coach Ferguson and his team. May the best team win. Sparks you have done it again. Congratulations

  2. Our youth are our most prized National treasures. We have an awesome responsibility. That of shaping our future. They are so adorable.

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