NASSAU| More than 130 deceased residents are in the Tribune OBITUARY section alone this week. The paper had to add an entire new extended section to publish the dead on Thursday.
ONE popular funeral home on New Providence alone has more than 35 bodies housed there. That mortuary has converted its chapel into a body storage area. And so, in this pandemic, there is no more chapel inside that funeral home anymore burials continue on a daily basis.
Another funeral home has almost twice as many as the one mentioned earlier. PEOPLE ARE DYING!
Bahamas Press is warning residents to stay safe. Ain’t nothing is safe around here. These are not ordinary times. And what COVID19 not doing the stress and depression on people are taking many out. This weekend another VACCINATED MOTHER life was ended two weeks to the day after taking the vaccine. But who is to suggest this is not the case? Pregnant mothers the science tell us are high risk for COVID19.
COVID IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE! We believe this is the time to AVOID CROWDS! Sanitise regularly! And if ya do not believe us, GO VISIT THE PUBLIC MORGUE FOR YOURSELVES and see the coolers outside! Or just visit your friendly funeral parlour and report to us on what you see. Stay safe people.
We report yinner decide!